6- Fire in Your Eyes

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"Roooosssss! Rydeeeeeel! Hurry uuuuupp!" I screamed. I had been waiting for what felt like 2 hours for those two to get there arses out of the house and into the car. Today was the day we FINALLY went to the hospital to see what was wrong with me. The only reason I got up today was because I had to throw up. Here's a tip, the next time you feel like pickles and chocolate ice cream, IGNOR IT! It may sound nice at the time but trust me, it tastes horrible! I had stomach pains through out the whole night and now I was desperate to find out what the hell was wrong with me!

I'm dying,
I can't get enough,
screaming doctor, doctor,

"Coming!" I heard Rydel yell a few seconds before the both of them to walk out of the house. Ross sat in the back with me while Rydel sat in the front to drive. There were only 2 reasons why Rydel drove. 1 because she was the best driver in the whole family and 2 was because I could not be in a moving car with out Ross being next to me. Am I being clingy???


How could you get annoyed at this adorable face? If Ross got annoyed at me he would tell me wouldn't he? Cause if I find out that Ross is keeping secrets from me then I'm going to shove my foot down his throat. A wave of anger came over me as Rydel pulled the car out of the driveway.

"So, what do you think is wrong with you?" Ross asked. I glared at him.

"Nothing's wrong with me! I'm perfectly fine! Maybe there's something wrong with you!" I yelled at him. Ross's face turned to worried.

"No no no no. I didn't mean it lik-" I cut him off.

"You know what? Just shut up and don't talk to me okay?!" I yelled then faced away from him. Why was he judging me? Didn't he know that that was wrong? Has he found out that I'm gay? Has he found out that I like him? Holy crap, if he has then I am probably going to die!

You see, I only ever told my mom and Rydel that I was gay. No body else knows and I'd like to keep it like that. I was freaking out so much that I didn't even notice that we see here.

I'm tryna, tryna, tryna find the medicine,
It's everything I need,
you're the remedy,

"Come on you two," Rydel said. I glared at her.

"Don't rush me!" I yelled as Ross got out of the car with Rydel and opened my door. I jumped out and pain shot through my stomach. I wrapped my arms around me and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Rik, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?!" Ross panicked.

"In my stomach dumb ass!" I yelled. The pain then slowly started to fade away. "I'm okay," I said. I stood up straight and started walking towards the entry of the hospital. Ross and Rydel followed me, hesitantly as we all walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, appointment for Riker Lynch." Rydel said kindly to the lady behind the desk. The lady smiled at her before typing something into the keyboard in front of her.

"Doctor André is in room R5, he is expecting to see you." She smiled. We thanked her and walked off trying to find the room she sent us to. It took us a while but we eventually found it. Ross opened the door for me and Del before he closed it behind him and sat down on a seat. There was a man with brown hair standing on the far end of the room. I'm guessing he was the doctor. In between us was a table bed looking type thingy (so professional, I know) .

"Riker Lynch I presume," he said as he shook hands with me, then Ross and Rydel. "I'm doctor André. I hear you have been having stomach pains?"

"Well when you put it like that, it sounds like I'm a girl on her period." I said blankly. The doctor just laughed and looked down at the clip board in his hands.

"Well Riker, I just need you to lie down on this table and relax." I did as told and looked up at the ceiling. "Riker, I'm going to lift up your shirt okay?" I nodded as he did and put some sort of gel on my stomach. The gel felt cold.... It kind of tingled. The doctor moved this thing on my stomach that had a chord attached to it. The chord was also hooked up to a screen that was facing Ross and Rydel.

After a few minutes Rydel gasped. "What? What is it?" I asked sitting up. Ross put his hand on my chest and pushed me back down. It kind of tingled on my chest and I got butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Yep, I really need to control that...

"NO!" He kind of screamed in my face. "No, nothing's wrong....uhh, doc, can uh.... Can we talk?"

"Uh, y-yea..." The doctor stuttered. He turned the screen off and took the thingy off of my stomach. He and Ross both walked out of the room while Rydel stayed with me.

"What happened?!" I asked kind of panicked. Did I have some sort of disease or something???

"Nothing...." Rydel said with a fake smile. It was kinda of obvious that she was lying to me. "Everything is perfectly fine!"


"EVERYTHING IS NOT PERFECTLY FINE!" I screamed at the doctor. "THERE OS A FRICKEN THING IN MY LITTLE BROTHER!!!" I grabbed the doctors shoulders and got close to him. "A baby.." I whispered. I was SO shocked! How the hell was that in my little angel?!

"Mr. Lynch, please calm down! There is a possibility that Riker was born a male with a female reproduction system. It has only ever happened twice over the past two centuries. The thing is, how did it happen?" He explained.

"I-I don't want to talk about it..." I said to him as I put my head in my hands. I couldn't believe it.... My angel is pregnant!

I'm screaming doctor, doctor,
Bottle it up,
I'm a believer,
Believe me,
This love is a drug,

I looked back at the doctor. "What do I do? Do I tell him?" I asked.

"No, it will shock him so much that it will kill or hurt the baby. You drop subtle hints and questions to see if he wants a baby or not. If he does, keep him away from stress and other boys or anything else that could hurt him. Always be around him and wait until he goes into labor. Once he does, get him here as soon as you can! You might also want to tell your parents and your sister and anyone else you can trust."

"And if he doesn't want it?" I asked.

"Then you tell him what happened to him and if he still doesn't want it at that point, we will either remove it for him or he can put it up for adoption." Honestly, I don't know what to think. THERE IS A LITTLE BABY IN HIM!!!

"Ok, umm... I'm going to take him home..." I say as I walk back in the room. I see Riker wiping the gel off of his stomach and Rydel was laying on the ground humming a tune. "Yo, we're gonna head back home."

Riker looks at me and nods his head as Rydel gets up off of the floor and we walk out of the hospital, two of us dumbfounded and the other pregnant.


Guys..... Be honest....

Do u think Rikoss is ACTUALLY happening?!

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