5- Poor Souls

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I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to pee. The only problem is that Riker was attached to me like a little, adorable koala! He's so cute with his silky blonde hair and his cute, little button nose!

(A/N: Buttons aren't cute... Just sayin!)

Wait, did I seriously just think that? I didn't usually think of him like that. I just thought that he got his charming looks from me!

I quickly removed those thoughts from my mind before I over thought about it. I lifted Riker's arms off of me and ran to his personal bathroom. I did my stuff and zipped up my pants before flushing. I went over to the sink and washed my hands. I went to go back to bed when I tripped over something. I fell to the floor with nothing but a small thud. I looked back to see what I tripped over and what I saw disturbed me.

It was a small black box that was tipped over with the lid wide open. Inside were 6 bloody knives.
First of all, how the hell did I trip over something that small?

I picked up the box and stood up. I walked into the bedroom where I could see Riker tossing and turning in his sleep. He was having a nightmare, I can't even imagine what it was about! "Rik! Riker! Wake up!" I scream whispered as I shook him awake. His eyes flashed open as he quickly sat up in shock. He looked around the room before his eyes landed on me. I grabbed Riker in and hugged him while he cried in my shoulder.

And I know this, we better live our lives up to the fullest, till we're the only ones left standing,

"He got me! He-he he pushed me a-and-" he sobbed before bursting out in tears again. I rubbed circles on his back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. After 20 minutes of us doing this, he settled down and whipped the tears away.

"Thanks Ross." He said in a sweet voice. "What's that?" He asked kind of nervously. I looked down at my hand and I realised I still had the box in my hand.

"That's what I was going to ask you. I found this in the bathroom... Something you wanna tell me?" I raised my eye brows. He looked down with tears in his eyes. I lifted his chin so he was looking at me. The tears were now running down his face and his cheeks were red. I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes and brushed the hair out of his face.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just please, don't do it again." I half whispered. Riker slowly nodded his head. "Okay, I'm going to get rid of this while you go back to sleep. I'll be back in a second." I walk out of the room. I walk next door to my old bedroom and see that everything was how I left it.

On a night like this, I remember how I miss my window,

I walk over to the set of draws on the far end of the room. I open it, dumped the box in it and locked it. I put the key under the lamp that was on top of the draws and walk out of the room. I walk back to Riker's bedroom and see he is sleeping again. I get under the covers and sigh, thinking about all that has happened today.

~Skip 2 & 1/2 weeks~

Over the past 2 weeks I would sleep with Riker in his bed. The night after I got home, I slept in my bed. Half way through the night I heard Riker screaming and sobbing. He had another nightmare. I went into his bedroom and comforted him. Ever since then I've slept with him and he hasn't had one nightmare.

Although, he has acted a bit... Odd. He's been throwing up in the middle if the night or when he wakes up. The good thing is that he's been eating more. He was skin and bones before this week. But what he's been eating is strange... He's had foods like peanut butter and peaches mixed together. It's gross! Infact, he's making me go out now to get him chocolate ice cream and pickles, at 2am in the morning!!!

He's also being very moody lately. Just the other day, Riker was on the couch watching TV, eating mash potatoes and jelly when Rocky came down the stairs and gaged at him. Riker looked over and started yelling at Rocky, then threw a spoonful of his food at Rocky's face. Rocky got pissed off and started yelling at Riker and all of a sudden Riker bursted out into tears on the floor.

Mom's getting worried about him and today he's going to the hospital with Rydel and I. Riker will only talk to us and mom, no one else!

I walked up to the check out with the ice cream and a bag of pickles. The woman behind the counter looked to only be 17. She winked at me and slowly scanned the items. She placed them in the plastic bag next to her, not taking her eyes off me for one second. "$8 please," she smiled. "Or you could give me some dick instead..." She winked at me, trying to turn me on. Key word: trying.

Been down this road before, 

hit the wall, 

kick down the door, 

let's go,

"No thank you." I said as I paid her, grabbed my bags and walked out of that place as fast as I could. I drove home and as soon as I walked through the door, Riker was sitting on the couch looking angry. "What?"

"Why did you take so long?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I only took 12 minutes," I said.

"That's a long time!"

"No it's not!" Why was he yelling at me for? I did what he asked, he should be thanking me!

"Whatever, just give me my food!" With that he snatched the plastic bag from me and walked upstairs. That's weird.... Riker's usually a sweetheart... Well what ever is wrong with him, we'll find out today.

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