Chapter 1: A fresh start

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Ok so this is my first ever story so im sorry in advance if it sucks ...yeah... ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy the story!

Your P.O.V.

I have been walking for a while now but I have not found anything just lots of trees, I look up to see that it is getting dark and found a hollow tree that was cut open 'well at least its something' I thought.
I started to gather some sticks and a few twigs. I started a small fire and even found an old blanket in the forest somewhere, I softened the dirt under the tree before crawling in and slowly drifting to sleep.

Finn's P.O.V.

I was training in the woods again when I saw a small fire so I carefully walked over there only to see a girl 'she looks human' I thought as I took the blanket off of the girl.

"Oh my glob! JAKE COME OVER HERE QUICK!" I shouted.

"What? What happened?" Jake asked.

I pointed to the sleeping girl Jakes eyes widened.


"Shhh be quiet Jake you are gonna wake her"

"Sorry" he said as he gently put her on his back

"What are you doing Jake?"

"We cant leave her here now can we"

"Where ar-" I was about to say as I was interupted by a yawn

*yawn* "where am I?" she said as she looked around

"Who are you guys?" she said as she quickly got into a defensive stance

"Hey hey calm down were not going to hurt you" I said in an attempt to calm her down.

"Humph ok sorry about that, im [y/n] by the way"

"Im Finn and this is jake" There was an akward silence

"Im guessing that you dont have anywhere to stay?"

"No, not really"

"Why dont you stay with us for a while?" [y/n]'s eyes widened

"Really? sure I would love to! I mean if its not a burden to you guys of course"

Third persons P.O.V.

They all started heading to the tree house as all three of the started to get to know each other. Little did they know that this was the start of something big.

Your P.O.V.

They seem pretty nice, once we got to the tree house Finn gave me a change of clothes and said that he would get more clothes tomorow, he even offered to let me sleep on his bed, I politely declined and said that I would sleep on the couch he handed me a pillow and a blanket as we all said our goodnights.

Finn's P.O.V.

"Hey, Jake."

"Yeah dude?"

"What did you think of [y/n]?"

"Oh, she seemed... Weird... Like, I dunno." He shrugged. "But in a sort of cool way, you know?"

"Hmm, yeah I guess so."

"Night dude."

"Night." I turned off the light and snuggled under the covers. (Dreaming of [y/n] ^~^ hehehe)

Who hoo! 500+ words I thought that it would just be like 100 or so.
Sooooo what did you guys think? please comment
and if your wondering where gumball and marshal come in
they dont come in for a few more chapters sorry!

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