Chapter 2: Jealousy

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Heh I was hoping to update every day buuuut I just
bought rune factory 4 yesterday and im hooked
it iz uber awesome and that kinda took away some
of my writing time

Your P.O.V.

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head" I yawned and walked over to
the table where Jake was making pancakes

"Its to early, I wanna go back to bed." I whined.

"Too bad, we have to go meet princess bubble gum." Jake nonchalantly said.

"Why can't we do that later in the afternoon or tomorrow." I asked.

"Because, she has lots of royal biz to attend to." Jake said.

"Fine, let me get fixed up." I said.

"You should eat before the food gets cold and besides, you need your protein for you brain." Jake motioned for me to go to the table.

"That did not make any sense, but I'll eat anyways." I grabbed a chair and grabbed some pancakes.


We were headed to the candy kingdom to meet princess
Bubblegum, from what I have gathered from Finn
she has long pink hair, pink skin, and a pink dress so basically
she is all pink other than the white lab coat she sometimes wears

We arrived at the candy kingdom and I saw a tall pink girl
"Hello im [y/n] and you must be Princess Bubblegum"

"Ah hello [y/n] yes, I am Princess Bubblegum"

Princess Bubblegum's P.O.V.

"Hello im [y/n] and you must be Princess Bubblegum"

"Ah hello [y/n] yes, I am Princess Bubblegum"

"Why dont I show you three inside"

As me and [y/n] were talking I could not help but notice
that Finn kept looking at [y/n] and when she would look at
him he would blush, I felt a pang of jealousy course through me
I should be happy for them, Yeah, I should be happy

"Hey, I think Finn is looking at you" I said and her face Became pink.

"N-no he is not"

"Oh come on [y/n] it is obvious you like him too" she became as red as or maybe even redder than a tomato.

"No I dont" she replied as I giggled

Flame Princess's P.O.V.

I was going to visit PB when I passed by a window and I saw a girl
and Finn was staring at her and she was blushing nobody and I mean NOBODY steals MY Finn. I came up with a plan, I waited until they left then I walked up to PB.

"Hey PB help me get rid of that girl"

"WHAT? Who? and why?

"That girl that left with Finn, because your jealous of her"

"No im not in actually happy for them"

"Come on I saw it in your eyes"

"Wait, you were spying on us?"

"Yes but that is not the point"

"I. Am. Not. Jealous."

"Look if you get rid of the girl then we can win Finn's heart fair and square"

"Hmm fine BUT I get to choose what to do with the girl"

"Then we have a deal"

So what is going to happen to our lovely reader find out in the next chapter
I will try to make each chapter at least 400 words /(0_0)/

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