(Late)Christmas special!!!

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Your P.O.V.

*sigh* " I'll never find the perfect gift for the guys, I hate Christmas shopping!" I've been walking for hours looking into every single store but I haven't found anything they'd like. Maybe I should just give up and get one of those snow globes or whatever.

I was about to leave the mall until something caught my eye. It was a store and on display was a sword, a plaid shirt, and a crown. It was weird that this one store had something perfect for all of them, but I'm tired so might as well go in there.

"Welcome! See anything you like?" An elderly woman approached me, she was quite chipper.

"Oh, uhm yes actually." I turned around and pointed to the items that were on display. "Those please, but first... how much are they?"

"All together they are $200" as soon as she said that I could almost feel my wallet squirm. Maybe I shouldn't get these anymore... but I have to, after all the guys have done for me I have to.

*gulp*"alright then." Pulling out my wallet and paying, the woman was still smiling. It was a nice smile at first but now I feel awkward.

She was still taking the stuff off of the display so I thought I'd walk around the store a bit. There wasn't much stuff here, mostly wands and magic items. Although there was one item that seemed a bit off, a softly glowing crystal ball hidden in the very back of everything. It gave off a bad aura but against my better judgement I decided to check it out. I had to move all the stuff in front of it first. Slowly pushing the other stuff aside I got a slightly better look at it. It was showing a blurry image of something blue and black with a slight pink at the side. I went to get a better look at it

"Mam!" The woman tapped my back startling me, I jumped and hit the top of the shelf.

"Ouch" I rubbed my head in pain.

"Oh, sorry, I just went to look for you since I finished ringing up and wrapping your items."

"Thanks." She handed them to me, grabbing them I left.

*time skip*

We sat around the tree getting ready to open the presents together, as suggested by Gumball.

"Ladies first." A gentleman as always.

"Au contraire, I think you should go first Gumball."

"But it is improper for-"

"A tut tut, enough with the fancy talk let's just open them at the same time." Jake intervened.

"Okay then, on the count of three!" They all got ready to open the gifts. "Three!" I opened my gift while they were still stunned but then they came back to their senses and opened theirs too.

"No fair (y/n)!"

"Hey I said three didn't I?

" yeah but it's still cheating!"

"Nuh uh!" I stuck my tongue out at Finn.

"Enough you two! Let's go back to the presents." I took out my gifts and it was a picture of all of us in a wooden frame.

"Awww, guys I love it!" I kept looking at the picture, but it got silent. "Guys?" I looked up. They were holding the gifts I gave them, but they weren't moving... almost as if they were frozen. I looked around and saw that only they were frozen, Beemo, Jake, and the others were fine.

Suddenly the woman from the store broke in from the window. "I see it worked."

"You! What did you do to them?"

"And why would I tell you?" Her voice changed, it started sounding familiar.

"Ice queen?"

"The one and only." She took off her disguise.

"Damnit Ice queen! Why can't you just leave us alone?"

"Why should you be happy and surrounded by friends while I'm all alone? Why can't everyone love me instead?"

"Maybe if you stopped messing with everyone's lives people would like you more!"

"..." she looked just about ready to cry. "I just want to feel what it's like to be loved, is that so wrong?"

"Unfreeze the guys and promise not to cause mischief anymore then we'll let you join us."

"You really mean it?"

"Of course." She unfroze the guys and took off her crown.


"What is she doing here?" They got into fighting stance.

"Hey hey, calm down guys she's my guest."


*timeskip ze explaining*

"You went through all that just to get us a gift?"

"Well, yeah. You guys have done so much for me I wanted to show how much I appreciate you."

"You didn't need to, you're already the best gift ever." Marshall pulled me close and kissed my lips. Everyone got shocked. He slowly pulled away and whispered something into my ear that made me blush... well even harder than I already was.

"H-hey! No fair! Only Marshall gets to kiss (y/n)!"

"Hmm, I do think it's only proper we kiss her too." Gumball went for a quick and sweet kiss. Then winked as he saw me turn even redder. While Finn cupped my face and planted kisses all over.

I passed out.

Hey guyssss I know this is a bit late but I just really wanted to make this to make up for not publishing in like FOREVER but, yeah *this is just a side story and does not impact the actual plot*

Side note: what's the best thing you got for Christmas?(if you don't celebrate Christmas that's fine too)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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