Chapter 6: Reunion

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Finns P.O.V.

"Jake, have you seen [y/n]?" I asked. I was starting to get worried, she hasnt been here since yesterday.

"No, she is probably with pb or something." Jake stated casually. Does he not understand the gravity of this situation? The only other human in all of Ooo missing.

"Im going to go look for her, dont wait for me." I said as I started walking to the door.

"Come on man, she is probably just doing some lady biz, girls need their privacy." Jake said. Well he does have a point, but what if that is not the case. She could be in danger right now and here we are taking it easy.

"Im still going to go look for her." I stated.

"Whatever man, but if she is just doing lady biz I will say 'I told you so'" jake said. I walked out the door.

I wonder where I should start looking, maybe pb knows something. I headed over to the candy kingdom.

I was greeted by pb.

"Have you seen [y/n]?" I asked while cutting off her greeting, not caring if I was rude or not.

"N-no not since you brought her
here." She said sounding suspicious. I decided to push a little further.

"Are you sure you haven't seen her? " I asked.

"Yep, yes 100 percent sure. Nice chatting with you but I have to go, bie" She said hastily. Why do I feel like I have been betrayed, she said she didn't see her so why do I not believe her? I trust her and she trusts me so why would she hide something?

I shook off the thought and started thinking of where I should look next. Maybe Flame Princess knows something. I jogged over to the Fire Kingdom and ran into flambo.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Flambo asked.

"Looking for someone. Speaking of that could you cast a fire resistance spell on me?" I asked.

"No problem, but you have to introduce me to the person your looking for after you find them." Flambo said.

"How do you know I'm not looking for someone you already met, like flame princess?" I asked.

"Well, judging from your body language I can tell it's someone important. You wouldn't be worked up like this for any old princess." Flambo casually said. Was I that obvious?

Flambi casted the fire resistance spell on me as I walked into the fire kingdom and started looking for Flame Princess. I heard some fire people talking, along with what sounded like flame princess.

"-you should have seen the look on
[y/n]'s face! It looked like pure terror, and now that she is gone I won't have a problem winning Finn's heart." She triumphantly (proudly) said.

I just stood there in complete shock. Does this mean she is dead? And Flame Princess is a... murderer? I ran away from them hot tears streaming down my face. How could she do this? No, she is not dead. She is not dead. I kept on repeating these words in my head while still processing what flame princess said.

Flame Princess's P.O.V.

I saw someone running away it looked like... Finn? Oh no! He must have over heard me. This is bad very bad. I chased Finn deep into the forest.

"FINN!" I shouted.

"I CAN EXPLAIN!" I shouted again.

"IT WASN'T WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!" I once again shouted in an attempt to get him on my side. Maybe I can twist the truth and make him believe that she did a suicide, yeah, yeah that is a good idea.

"Oh yeah then what was it then, because it sounded like you we're gloating about killing [y/n]!" I couldn't help but feel betrayed, is that how much he trusts her after a day. Enough to quickly take her side even if he didn't actually know what happened? What happened to our trust in each other?

"What happened to our trust?" I barely whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We have known each other far longer than you have known [y/n], yet you quickly take her side."

"I- fine then you tell me what happened." He demanded.

"All I did was pour a stupid potion on her!" I irritably said.

"What potion?" He asked.

I stood there not knowing how to answer that since even I myself didn't know what it did.

"Flame princess answer me!" He shouted

"I don't know." I said. Thinking about the potion. I came to a sudden realization. What if I did kill her?

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asked getting a bit mad.

"I don't know what it did, princess bubble gum is the one who made it."

"Come on let's go!" He shouted already running towards the candy kingdom.

What? Is he not mad? He should be furious.

Princess bubblegum's P.O.V.

I heard a loud knock on my door, I opened it to see flame princess and Finn standing there.

"What did the potion do?" He asked. What potion is he talking about?

"What potion?" I asked.

"The one you gave flame princess."

"He knows." Flame princess stated.

"I see, well according to my calculations it had a 95% chance of completely obliterating her while there is a 5% chance that she was transported to another dimension." I said recalling the data I colected from the potion.

"Make another." Finn said.

"W-what?" I said genuinley shocked.

"I said, make another." He said again with determination in his eyes.

"No. The chances that she even survived are very slim, how much more if you go there and come back? I cannot let you take that risk." I said making sure my voice was firm.

"I dont care if there is only a 5% chance! I am going and my decision is final." He said true to his words.

When he is in this state there is no changing his mind... but still i cannot let him go.

I guess I...

I dont know, I guess it is.
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