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Ari ' s p.o.v:

I walked home and yelled that's I was home. It was about 6:45 so I just sat in my window seat, the one across from Shawn window. I got out my song book and started thinking of ideas I ended up coming up with nothing because so much was on my mind. I really like shawn but Hayes is being all flirty with me and I don't want to be rude, or lead one of them on. Uh what am I thinking they don't like me they are probably just being nice....right? Uh I need an escape. There are the small Forrest I saw on our way to the house. I get up and pull on a red magcon hoodie. I grab my guitar case, song book and shove my phone in the pocket of my hoodie. I tell my mom im going on a bike ride. I grab my bike and luckily there's a bike path. I start riding and hear water running, so I park my bike and I grab my guitar.i walk to wear I hear it and see a small waterfall, it's beautiful. I take off my vans and walk towards the water with my guitar I see a large rock that I really want to jump off of but right now I'm just gonna play my guitar. I sat on a smaller rock and dipped my feet in then I started singing Something Big I felt like some one was watching me but I just shrugged it off. I then heard a little splash an I long shiny blue tale glimmer in the sun and then dissappear. I was curious but again shrugged it off. When I stopped singing I heard a low growl and turn around to see a large silver wolf, and bye silver I don't mean great it was like legit silver. I started strumming again and it stopped, then it walked over to me as if I was it's prey. I just sang with more passion and it started to calm down. I went oer to it and squatted down and pet it's head. (FYI it's not a werewolf it's just like a magical wolf) It rolled on its stomach and I rubbed it. I walked over to the rock and sat down with the wolf following me. I sat on the rock and the wolf sat next to me as if protecting me. I again heard a splash and saw that glimmer in the water again.

Unknown p.o.v:

I wonder if... no she's human, right? She couldn't be if Alec went up to her and protected her. And when my tail splashes she would notice it and the glimmer, a human can't do that. Hmm mm I wonder if she can hear me or changes in the water? Only o e way to find out.....

Ari p.o.v:

I heard a soft voice speak from my side I turned my head a saw a beautiful.....mermaid? I forgot to mention this but I absolutely love mermaids and believe they exist. "Hey, what's your name I'm Coralia" "hey im, Ariana" as soon as I said my name sher mouth opened wide and started talking " I knew it, well I had a feeling, I wasn't for sure but u just had this feeling" she said as she bowed down. " why are you bowing down" I laughed. Her face dropped "you don't know who your real parents are?" I shook my head no. "Well your parents were the king and queen" she paused "of mermaids" I just kind of sat there while questions flooded through my mind. "Your parents died a little after you were born, that wolf is the Guardian that was assigned to you when you we born and you can control the elements" she smiled, then I smiled "I have telepathy and you can turn into a mermaid if you get wet, I'll close my eyes, you get undressed and then jump in and within seconds you'll change" she turned around and I got undressed. I jumped in and a wall off water surrounded me. My legs went numb and s hanged into a long tail, my hair changed too, it grew about 7 inches and turned different shades of blue and my bra turned into beautiful mint green shells that just covered my boobs. Then the wLl came down and swam around, Coralia had to leave so I just swam and go comfortable with my tail. Then I heard someone gasp and turned around, I saw some one I didn't expect to see.......

Shawn p.o.v:

I was really bored, so I decided to go to my waterfall that me and a few other mer-people aka all the people in magcon. The legends say that the princess is supposed to reappear there since she had to go in hiding when the king and queen died. But any way, I grabbed my bike and rode there there was another bike already there but it wasn't one of which got me scared. I have invisibility so that's what I did just in case someone bad was there. I walked there and saw a beautiful girl singing. That's when it hit me that was the Princess, I gasped louder than I should have and immedietly bent down on one knee with my face towards the ground. "Shawn?" I heard but- wait that's Ari's voice and the princess ' s name is - now I feel stupid. I guess I was staring again because she kept saying my name to get my attention. I blush and said yeah. She went underwater so I undressed and changed I had a red and gold tail that had sorta an ombre affect. She resurfaced afterwards her tail was longer than me and the the end of it was flowy. Her eyes had changed too, they were an bright purple with a black ring around the edge. She just started swimming around o her back singing. While she was doing that I grabbed my phone from the edge and called the guys telling them the princess has been found. They cam and undressed while Ari was exploring the small cove I could hear her swimming back so I told them to close there eyes and then she came out. She sat on a rock near them so they could see her long purple tail. They opened their eyes and stared at how beautiful she was. It was kinda annoying since they know I like her but I was staring too, so it was fine.... for now. We got tired since it was like 10:30. She went out first and dried herself off and got dressed while I made are the guys weren't looking. Then we got dressed and stuff and we all went to our own houses. I just couldn't stop thinking about her, she is perfect.
Uh oh I have a crush on my sisters best friend who is 11

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