Tours,Brothers,and Visits

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I can't believe i'm going to sing infront of Justin Bieber like WHAT?! What if he thinks i'm bad? Nah i'll be good. The boys are smiling at me and Justin looks curious. So i started strumming the notes for As Long as You Love Me and started singing. I hit all the hight note did the la-la-lalala-love me perfectly when i was done  all of them were looking at me with wide eyes and Justin had his mouth wide open. "was it good?" "Oh. My. God. you are amazing...... you should come on tour with me" "wait really?" "yeah i think scooter will love you" "holy crap this is the best day ever, want me to sing another song." "YES, oh and you should make a vine and you tube account" "kay i'll make it later since i probably should change my instagram as well" i laughed nervously, "kay sing another one, some throwback bieber?" he joked "kay" then i started to play Down to Earth. I feel really good. but then i started to hear a voice, no your not good enough you need more scars your not worth being beautiful. It kept repeating it over and over it got louder every tine so i ran up to Aaliyah's room and grabbed my blade. i ran into the bathroom and closed the door. I never cut twice a day but the voices are too much right now. i made 3 quick slices and put a bandaid on em i didn't bother covering them with makeup since i was wearing a sweater. I cleaned up the blood and hid my blade in my bag. The boys were talking downstairs but stopped when i got down stairs. I went next to Shawn and put my head on his shoulder.


DANM she's good i'm glad i invited her on my tour. ( pretend that the believe tour hasn't happened yet) Some one discoovered me when i was young and i feel like i need to pay it forward. Scooter's gonna love her she reminds me of me when i was her age. After she finished singing Down to Earth she zoned out, then she ran upstairs. i heard a door slam which go everybody's attention. " what's wrong" i asked, they all shruged. Hm, she was fine just a second ago. Maybe she needed to go to the bathroom. Then all the boys were talking about it. About 10 minutes later she came down and sat next to Shawn, putting her head on his shoulder. "are you okay" shawn asked her, "yeah i  forgot to put my clothes away" she laughed nervously. That's when i saw her pull down her sleeves which were pushed up to her elbows. Before she could pull them down all the way i saw dozens of white lines and a clear bandage over fresh cuts. My eyes went wide and i looked back at her face  and saw she was talking to Nash an Cam. "ari can i talk to you for a second its about the tour" "yeah" she said with a smile that I could tell was fake. We walked inito the kitchen and she sat up on the counter, "what about the tour" " Show me your wrists" "why" she looked scared " because i asked you to" "no" then i grabbed her wrists and saw only a few but there were some bumps. I grabbed a paper towel got it wet and wiped her fore-arms. A bunch of make up came off and there were dozens upon dozens of scars. "why" i croaked because of the huge lump in my throat. " the voices, they yell and yell until i cut ti gets rid of them for a while but they always come back," then she looked up at me with eyes filled with tears, " can you be my big brother, i dont have one cause i'm the oldest" "of course sweetheart but only if you try to stop" i said wiping her tears. Whe smiled a real smile and hugged me real tight. "now hop on my back and i'll bring you back to Shawn andn yes i know you like him he told me he likes you, but if hhe hurts you tell me and i'll crush him" "kay" she giggled. When we walked in Ari yelled " Everyone meet my new big brother" thn all the boys exceept shawn yelled can i be your big brother, which she said yes to. I went over to Shawn and set her down.


You're probably wondering why i didn't ask to be her brother, well i want her to be my girlfriend. I hink I'm
gonna ask her on a date today at the barbeque. Speking of that we all need to get reay and set up the outside. ""guys lets go outside and set up the barbeque" i heard a phone going off and it was Ari's. "hello'' ...."When?"... "really!?" ........."their coming"....... "yay your are the best mom, but i think Elayna might die" "Cameron.......remember" ....."yeah well ask her if she brought any merch i know i let her borrow some"....... kay" ....."tell em to come over and to bring king..... kay love you...bye" then she screamed. What is it and who's king" "well my best friends Elayna, Cole,and Lizzy are came from Illinois and King is my brother and my dad is coming to the barbque'' "what about me and the 'merch' " cam said putting air quotes around merch. "well me and Elayna are the same size except she's shorter so when we buy merch she keeps it at her house so we share it and she loves you Cameron you have no idea" then the door bell rang. Ari jumped up to go get it and i ran up behind her. "i missed you guys, now come meet the boys and Elayna dont scream too loud when you see who is hugging me from behind" she said as i did so. then she poened th dor wider to let in 2 girls and 1 boy who were Aaliyah and Ari's age.then the girl i presume is Elayna started crying  with her hands over her mouth. " wait it gets better, aye! cam! come over here and meet my beautiful bestfriend" he walked in and Elayna started crying even more and hugged Cam. "Hi beautiul" and then she started fangirling. "Elayna,stop and clam down lets go introduce you to the guys even though you already know who they are" we walked into the living room and all the guys were staring at us. Cam and I sat down and Ari started to introduce them. "okay guys this elayna who is the most legit fngirl ever and elayna you know the guys so lets move on, this is cole my football and soccer buddy i dont play soccer but he does and cole this is Matt, shawn, nash, hayes, jj, gilinski, justin and Aaliyah, and this is lizzy she loves  bows and glitter and i already said the guys names and elayna talks about them a lot so ya know them okay now or the news  the guys already know this stuff, okay the first thing is i'm not in middle school any more im going to be a freshmen and second of all im going on tour with justin." she started panting beacause she was out of breath. "and your uncles are here too" " well this will be interesting" she muttered, 'Why' Hayes asked. 'Well my uncles are different and only two of them are my real uncles, My uncle Gerrad is adopted, he's from Taiwan, he was in the army from the age of 15 to about 25, my Uncle JJ, he's 6 foot 5 and a body builder so don't get him too mad. And then there's my uncle ry ry, ian, and feet dog who who have been friends with my dad since they were in 3rd grade.........and my uncle Adrian who has been friends with my dad since high school. And then my Aunt Tiffy who's been friends with my mom since before i was born" "That's not long compared to your dad's friends" "hehehe well you se my mom had me when she was 16 so yeeaah" " oh, that is a long time" yeah" and after that we started talking about a bunch of other stuff. it had been about an hou and we were still hanging out when i thought it'd be a good idea to get started setting up seeing its almost 2. " okay guys we should start setting up" then we all got up and went outside. My parents are making the food so thats already covered and we would get ready later.

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