Fallen Angel

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I stayed by Angel's bed side, making sure to keep her warm and making sure She is alive. I ran a my Hand  through my hair looking down at the ground, she had just all the sudden vanished ending up in the woods, if that wasn't bad enough, Marko's " imaginary friends" are mad so Marko has been scared and doesn't want to go anywhere by himself. What makes its weird is that Marko said his friends were playing with Angel and thats how she ended up in the forest. Angel turned her small head toward me her (e/c) and brown eyes sleepy and curious,I smiled happy my little demon was alright.

"Daddy,where's Mr.Hatter? I want Mr. Hatter." I kissed her forehead feeling she was no longer freezing but, now a normal temperature.

"Marko has Mr.Hatter, he has been keeping him sa-" Angel' sweet eyes turned scared and cold,this was usual for the carefree toddler. 

"I WANT MR.HATTER NOW!" She screamed like someone was hurting her, i stood and tired to calm her but she kept screaming and screaming. I didn't understand,Angel was usually quiet and hated when people screamed but now she seemed like her life was being torn from her. (Y/n) came running in with Marko in her arms. Marko had Mr.hatter in his hands hugging it, Angel saw the doll and used telekinesis to rip the kitten doll from his hands. Marko reached for it desperate to get it back,he teleported on the bed and grabbed the doll before the reaching hands of Angel could grab it.

"No! Angel you can't have him!"Angel stood and stomped her foot,she looked at me and pointed at Marko.

"Daddy make Marko give him back!" (Y/n)  and I stood concerned for our children, Angel had used telekinesis for a doll only for Marko to stop her. What had happened to our Angel while she was gone? She had never showed this much anger toward Marko she love him and they did everything together,And Marko to keep Mr.Hatter from Angel was strange too, he had always made sure if Angel wasn't with Mr.hatter she had the doll, he was her big brother and that was his duty as he told us. (Y/n) stepped in between the kids and looked at Angel.

"Baby, calm down its okay your brother will give Mr.Hatter back don't worry."Marko hugged the doll closely and he had a look of fear, I bent down in front of him and held my hand out.

"Marko, can you please give me the doll, your sister needs him." Marko's eyes widened with fear when I said Angel was getting it back. He hugged the kitten tighter, shaking his head violently.

" I can't let Angel have Mr.Hatter,they'll hurt her if she gets it." Angel stomped her again. (Y/n) looked at me concerned.

"Marko is 'they' your friends?" 

"Yes, and when mommy said they couldn't play with Angel they got mad and then they woke her up so she can play with them but, they need Mr.hatter to play with her.They want to hurt her cause they're mad,I need to protect her." As Marko said this Angel screamed and jumped at Marko. He teleported out of the way ending up hiding behind (y/n)'s leg. I quickly grabbed  Angel, she thrashed and squirmed in my arms. Her wings fluttering like crazy,she used her telekinesis to throw a pillow at Marko.(y/n) picked up Marko backing away from me and Angel so she couldn't do anything. (Y/n) took Mr. Hatter from Marko, As she did she jumped and dropped the doll pointing behind me ,Marko gasped and hugged (y/n) tightly. 

"Dark! I..I saw  them but...but  when I touched  the ...doll I saw... him..." I stood shocked she had touched the doll allowing her to see them. I grabbed the doll keeping it away from Angel,she reached for it and tried to use telekinesis on but I held it firm.I turned to look behind me and I saw three figures all in chains and burns but one stood out from the others, his green and black eyes, his  wicked grin. The one I sent to hell.

"Nice to see you Dark,how long has it been?" I glared at him.

"Three years, not long enough."

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now