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They headed back to the car and climbed in. Everything was always so serious with them. Neither one of them knew how to relax—especially around each other. Alex turned to face her. They hadn't said anything to each other for a while; he was beginning to worry. "I really am sorry...about everything."

She stared at him softly. "I know."

The drive to the motel was a quiet one. They didn't have much to say to each other. They were both slowly coming back to reality. There were never going to be any soft and cuddly moments. Their lives consisted of endless was who they were. Alex pulled up into the lot, parked next to the Mercedes, and killed the engine. They both stared straight ahead—their eyes glued to the house that brought them together.

"I didn't think you were ever a possibility." Her voice was almost inaudible in the quiet car.

He turned to face her, furrowing his brow. "What?'

She still wouldn't look at him. It hurt him a little. "I thought you were just doing your job all those times you showed up here. I thought you were after something."

He shook his head in annoyance. "What would I be after?"

She didn't move. Her stillness bothered him. "I don't know." Sadness hovered over her like a black cloud. It hurt him to see her this way. It was as if all the life had been sucked out of her over the course of a few months. She wasn't herself anymore. "What do you want for me?"

He stared at her for a while. He thought she already knew the answer. "Trust." It was as simple as that. "That was all I ever wanted...that and the truth." He smiled at her. "Now I really have to go to work—it'll look suspicious if I don't show up."

She nodded, a smile finally appearing on her face. "I had a good time despite all the craziness." Her laugh warmed his heart. Neither one of them wanted to say goodbye, but they knew they had to. "Well I guess I'll see you around."

It was yet another awkward goodbye. "Yeah."

She stared at him for a moment, her eyes showing something new. "Thank you...for everything." She leaned in and kissed him. He cherished every second he had with her. When he opened his eyes, he spotted Dylan staring at them—a look of disgust on his face. Alex nodded at him and moved back into his seat. He let out a nervous chuckle as his face turned beat red. "Dylan's home."

Norma turned to view her son. "Oh my god." She sank down in the chair for a moment. They laughed at each other embarrassment. After a while she gave him one last smile and reached for the handle, opening the door. "I'll see you later."

Alex nodded and watched her storm off towards her son after shutting the door. He laughed at the faint sound of her yelling as he pulled away. He loved that woman.

The station was quieter than usual. It worried Alex. He didn't see the DEA roaming around, but he figured they were out 'searching' again. The tension was still high though. He could feel his colleagues' eyes on him as he made his way to his office.

"Sheriff," Officer Lopez called after him.

He turned around to face him, a careless look on his face. "Where's Babbit and the rest of her crew?"

"They left this morning...something came up in Portland. They're dropping the Paris case." A sense of relief washed over Alex. He was finally free. Lopez was always the best at getting information. "I thought you might wanna know that they got someone to take Marcus Young's place in the candidacy."

He fought back an eye roll. "Who?"

The officer shook his head lightly. "Some woman...used to be the deputy for Portland. I guess she just moved to White Pine a few weeks ago. She stopped in this morning to see you, so I got her name and number for you." He handed him the slip of paper, patting him on the shoulder. "Just make sure your girlfriend doesn't find out."

Alex sighed as he watched the officer leave. He glanced down at the paper, his heart stopping as he read the name. Of all the people in White Pine Bay—it had to be her. He rolled his eyes and walked back to his SUV. He'd have to stop by and pay her a visit.

As he pulled up to the house, an eerie feeling rushed through him. She was one of his many regrets. She was something he couldn't take back, though he wished he could. He knocked on the door and waited. He knew she was home—she was always home.

Her eyes lit up when she saw him. "Alex. Come on in."

He shook his head angrily. He couldn't believe her. "I don't want to come inside. Why the hell didn't you tell me you were a cop, Natalia? Why did you lie to me? I thought you were a waitress."

She sighed, looking off behind him. "I was waiting tables just until I got the sheriff's job." She looked back at him sadly. "Come inside."

He ignored her request. He was finding more and more people to hate each day. "Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Alex." It hurt to look at her. Every word he's ever said to her replayed in his head. He hated her.

She reached out to touch him, but he pulled away. "What? Were you just after my job?"

"Alex. It wasn't like that." She was nothing to him.

He glared at her. "Then what was it then?"

She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. "It was like that at first, but then I really started to like you." He rolled his eyes, but she ignored it. "I was going to withdraw, but then she showed up."

He narrowed his eyes. "Don't bring her into this." He'd be damned if anything happened to Norma.

Natalia sighed, looking up at him sadly. "Are you with her?"

He stared at her for a moment. He wasn't really sure what the answer was anymore. "No." He turned and left her on the porch alone. "Don't ever come to my office again."

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