See You Again-2

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Me and Jay were now laying in my bed and I was playing with his lips something I've always enjoyed doing I looked across the room on my dresser where I heard my phone ringing I got up out of bed to get it and while I was at my mirror for a brief 5 seconds I saw my hair which looked crazy so I sat on my bed and put the phone on speaker while I fixed it

Kelly phone convo:

"Hey babygirl"

"Wats up Kells"

"Nothing I just wanted to let you know I'll be there in two days"

"Okay I'll be waiting"

"Arent you always...anyway what's going on with you and John are you guys cool or still broken up" I looked over at Jay his eyes were closed so he I assumed he was sleeping

"No I cursed him out and we don't talk to each other anymore"

"Awww what happened"

"I'll explain later Kelly I have to go"

"Alright bye Bey"


End of phone convo

I got up to use the bathroom but Jay pulled me back down "who the hell is John"

Jayonceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن