See You Again-3

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"Bey" I yelled from the front door
I didn't get an answer she was in the shower singing I walked back downstairs and waited for her she came down a half an hour later when I was dozing off she straddled me and woke me up

"Beyonce stop licking my ear" I told her

" but I love you" she said in a baby voice

"I love you too but stop before I do something I'll regret" I grabbed her chin and pecked her lips

"Bey I want to talk to you about something"
She looked at me

"Umhhh sure" she said

"I'm coming out of retirement I want you to make some music with me " she sighed and brought her leg back so she wasn't straddling me anymore

"Jay I'm retired too" she said nervously I was kinda shocked so I didn't answer but I was thinking a whole lot

"Umhhh wow" was all I could manage

"Talk to me baby" she said trying to get a reply

"Well why did you retire" I asked

"Because you were gone so I wasn't really feeling it anymore" she answered

"Well start feeling it because I will not stop until you make a comeback"

"Okay Jay" she said laughing she put her leg back over so that she was straddling me again I started kissing her and she slowly grinded on me she was making my dick stand up until the dorbell rang I sighed after she got up "who could that be you just got this house" she opened the door and about three women were outside she started talking to them and after a while she let them in I knew she was mad because she slammed the door and walked straight past me with a tear in her eye

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