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Jay z

I woke up and I wanted to apologize to bey but I don't even know where the hell she was. I know for sure I didn't wrap it up last night but if that will stop bey from fucking around then so be it I feel like the man but i dont know where bey is. I took my phone off the night stand and dialed her number but she didnt answer.


I was gonna go to my sisters house but she wasnt home so i deciced to go to the only person that i could trust and he was the closest to me and jays house i mean liturally close. i went up to his house and knocked on his door a few seconds he answered.


" hi lyndell can i stay here for the night"

"of course but you should know my girlfriends gonna be back soon"

"ok no problem thank you"

I walked in and placed my bag on his couch and i sat down and so did he.

" so bey whats going on with you are you still doing you know what"

" no actually i stopped quite some time ago and i recently met someone and settled down and stuff"

" with who"

"do you really need to know"

he looked at me with lust and smiled

" i guess not"

it was silent for a while until he spoke up

" so what happened to your wrist im guessing thats why your here"

" sort of"

" well care to elaborate"

" okay well.... i started dating  jay z and i moved in with him and his neighbor derek was someone he didnt want me to talk to but he blackmailed me into hanging out with him and i snuck out to bowling and broke my wrist and the reason im here is because lets just say jay z wasnt to happy with me and the rest is complicated and i left him asleep and came here to get my mind off things"

" well do you want a drink"

" what were you even listening"

" well you said you wanted to get your mind off things"

he stared at his phone and looked back up at me

" my girl just texted me and she wont be back until the morning so ill get the drinks"

" alright"

he disappeared for a couple minutes and when he came back he had two shot glasses and some ciroc and hennessey he poured shots we started drinking and i was in a daze he was drunk as hell and so was i.

" you know bey your still as beautiful as ever"

i was just looking at him i knew i had a stupid look on my face of course i did i was drunk

" if i wasnt so twisted i would say i have a man so stop but i am so keep going.

" your eyes are still full of light and my mouth still wishes to

be at yours"

he moved closer to me and softley put his lips on mine and and i felt his hand go up and down my body he slipped his hand under my shirt and he got on top of me. he stuck his toungue in my mouth i then noticed what we were doing and i pushed him off of me we both sat up and cleared our throats and we continued drinking like nothing happened. it was now 3am and we were both more then fucked up i then saw another call from shawn  so i picked it up not knowing what i was doing.

"wha- what do you wa- want shawn"

"beyonce where are you"

" i am in a com-for-fortable house"

" are you drunk"

" maybe....maybe not im at my exs house chi-lling duhh"

" what the fuck are you guys doing"

" nothing...just ill a secret we started fooling around but i stopped him the-re thats all i can tell you shhh dont tell shawn he might kill me

"where the hell are you"

" 22 fucking hi-ll street are yo-u you happy damn now bye i have things to do and dont forget do not i repeat do not tell shawn"

Ok guys this game was going a little slow so i took matters into my own hands so hurry up and play it anyway its short i know so help me with part two...lyndells gonna be in here for quite some time so guess who his girl is and whoever gets it right can pick out of three things that will happen so you know what that means minnie game let them begin.

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