Make or Break pt.2

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I was so mad if a yes came out of Jay's mouth i'm going to punch him in it

"Bey I-"

"Yes or no"

"Yes but-"

I punched him in his face he was trying to hold back his anger and then he said the the only thing that would ever make me leave him.

"She's pregnant"

I left him and went to the bathroom to wash my tearfilled face when I came back he had ice on his mouth and he was sitting on the bed. I walked past him and grabbed my phone and my charger and I walked out the house. he was calling me but I just got in my car and I drove off. I checked into a hotel (four seasons or naw lol)and I sat on the bed and then I thought out loud to myself.

"What am I gonna do now I love him... he just stomped on my heart and now I have nothing"

I sat on the bed for the rest of the day that eventually turned into four days no food and no sleep I didn't even use the bathroom good thing I didn't stink and plus the air conditioner was on.

Jay Z

I woke up and laid there realizing that I couldn't live without this women I felt so angry with myself and it hurt really bad and my eye is still black and blue and I have an interview with Oprah. I wanted Beyoncé to hear something's I had to say I got dressed and I headed to Oprah's tv station. when I got there everybody was ready so we just sat and the camera turned on and Oprah spoke.

"So jay how are you"

"I'm not doing to good now a days"

"Well how could you we hear that you and Beyoncé recently broke up is that what's bugging you Hov"

"Of course she's my everything"

The crowd went wild she waited for them to stop.

"I remember the last time she was here talking about how you swept her off her feet and she couldn't think of anyone that's she loves more in the world"

As she said that I had a little tear forming in my eye the it fell.

"Aww jay don't you at least know where she is"

"Yeah I have people watching her every second minute hour day week etc. I don't want anything to happen to her right now she is at a hotel"

"Well are you gonna go win her back"

"Well I thought about it and idk if she wants to see me so idk if I should"

"Can we help you decide"

I laughed a little

"Sure guys"

Oprah smiled really hard and she started

"Ok if you want jay to beg for bey stay seated if you don't stand up"

No one stood I looked out in the crowd and I turned back around

"Well what are you waiting for go get your girl (both stand up) all right that's all for today everyone see you next time."

While Oprah finished I rushed back stage got my stuff and headed towards Beyoncé.


I was still on the bed and I heard someone at my door they knocked and I didn't get up to answer it so I heard them fumbling with the lock and then the door just opened I just stayed where I was even though on the inside I was so happy to see him and this was like the most happiest moment in the last couple days.

"Bey baby"

I didn't answer I just added more tears to my still tear stained face

"I'm sorry and I love you so please forgive me"

He walked right over to me and he held me for about an hour then he picked me up and he gave me a bath fed me and even after all that I still haven't said a word and then we layed back down we were spooning all I managed to say before I fell asleep was I love you.

Don't you think that was so sweet what he did for her and there's gonna be a twist next chapter so expect the unexpected and my new kik guys is

5.6.14_Frost it's new and let me know if I missed something.

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