Shots....or na

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I woke up it was 7:30 and I took a shower and I brushed my teeth and looked around this big ass house for Shawn. I had on a black crop top and some dark jeans and some black heels and my hair was perfectly straight and a brownish-blonde. I ate and I went grabbed one of his car keys,the house keys,and my purse. I was about to get into Shawn's car but I saw a sexy guy next door with no shirt on washing his car he motioned me to come.


"Hey I'm Beyoncé"

" wats a sweetheart like you doing walking out of jays house at 8:30 am"

"Well I just moved in I'm his girlfriend"

"Well he's lucky but be carful with him he could get crazy overprotective"

"Okay well nice meeting you I'll talk to you later I guess"

"Alright call me"

We exchanged numbers and I got in Shawn's car and made my way to my studio. I got comfortable turned my phone off rolled up a blunt and sang.

Jay Z

I got back home and opened my front door



No answer

I called her phone and she didn't answer I went over to the keys and my favorite cars key was missing

"No she didn't take my favorite car"

I decided to wait till she called or came back.


I finished three songs and I wrote two it is now 6:00 pm I turned my phone on and saw that Shawn called me so I called him back.

"Where are you"

"Hi to you too"

"Hi where are you"

"Shawn I'm at my studio you know I have a job"

"Do you want me to come down there"

"No I was ...just leaving"

"Okay hurry"

"You miss me"

"Yes I haven't kissed you or touched you all day"

"Is that right"

"Well actually before I left when you were sleeping"

"Ew shawn"

"I'm joking babe I see you look mighty comfortable with Beyoncé"

"Are you talking about your car"

"Yeah I named her before I met you"

"Ok....well I'll be there in a few"

"Ok bye"


I made my way to the car and I took my time to see if Shawn got mad which I love he gets aggressive and I love it. I finally made it home at 6:47 I stepped in and put the keys back. Shawn walked up to me and pushed me against the wall which I love a lot.

"What took you so long"


"who were you with"

"I was alone"


He squeezed my thigh which drove me insane

"You better not be lying"

He put his tongue on my neck befor I could get out a word and his hands were all over my body

"Shawn stop we can finish this tonight and where were you this morning"

"Unlike your cheating ass I was visiting my brother in jail"

"I wasn't cheating"

"Alright whatever you say"

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the couch to sit down.

"Was he better then me"

"Shawn I didn't cheat and I wouldn't know anyway I haven't sat on it yet"


"Well actually he might have been bigger"

"Beyoncé you better not"

"Im joking baby...stop"

I sat on his lap

"So Shawn I met your neighbor Derek

"What did he say"

"Nothing just hi and call him"

"Well dont"

"Why not he's really nice"

"Because I said don't I don't want you talking, calling, or being around him.

"Okay damn"

"Now let's go get dressed we gave a club to be at"


We got dressed I put on a black short dress that stopped a couple inches below my waist.then Shawn walked in with my bulb.

"Bey do u smoke weed"


"Well stop"


"Beyoncé when I say something listen don't ask questions okay"

"Fuck you"

He walked towards me and whispered in my ear.

"Sweetheart drop your attitude before I do it for you alright"


We went downstairs and finished getting ready. then we headed out for the club when we got there we walked to the security.I had to show him my ID he said I looked 16. We walked over to a bunch of guys and two women.

"Yo hey guys"

"Hey jay"

"Well this is my girl bey"

He sat down and I sat on his lap. we got the drinks flowing and I was a little tipsy but Shawn was a sober as a baby.
The girls grabbed me and some drinks and we went to dance.

Jay Z

I was watching beys drunk ass dancing with Kelly and Michelle she looked so sexy with that tight short ass dress she had on and those tall heels that still didn't make her taller then me I wanted to fuck her so bad.

I saw this young boy about 22 years old walk up behind bey and she started dancing on him I looked away for two seconds and they were gone. I skimmed the room and they were at the bar he was looking into her eyes and moving his hand up her leg and it looked like they were talking dirty then she stopped talking and smiled then I noticed his hand was half way under her dress. I rushed over.


They stopped

"What I was just playing with josh it felt good"

"I'm sure it did let's go before I get mad"

"Why because he was touching me"

"What did you guys say to each other"

"Oh he said he was gonna make me cum"

"But I said sure if you can"

We made it back home and I took a shower and changed bey was to drunk so she passed out on the floor and I carried her to the bed I tried my hardest to stay focused but that dress was so fucking hot I guess I'll have to rough her up in the morning .


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