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Brooke had sadly got her wish, she had passed away in hospital.  Luke didn't know how to tell Jordyn he just said "mummy is in the sky next to grandma". Jordyn didn't quite know what that meant, she thought her mum was up in space; like an astronaut. Luke didn't want to correct her,  Luke he went on tour with the boys and brought Jordyn along. Some nights Jordyn would go on stage and play drums with Asthon (of course she wasn't as good as Ash) but it would put a smile on her face. Luke wasn't the same since Brooke had died, that day he went to get Brooke back but instead found her lying there taking an overdose. 

10 years later Jordyn had finished high school and decided to take a gap year to travel the world (of course Luke wasn't happy about this because he wanted her to have the best education, But still Jordyn went off travelling the world with her friends; but she couldn't seem to shake her mum out of her head (it had been 11 years since she died) but Jordyn had grown up with Luke but she figured out where her mum was when she was 10 and decided she wanted to be different from her mum, she didn't have a kid at 14 (even though she was grateful her mum decided to keep her). She had perfect grades and studied really hard, Jordyn wanted to be a doctor.

Luke had tried to move on countless times but Brooke was his one true love.


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