
805 14 0

Brooke Adams

It's now Saturday morning;which means Jordyn doesn't have school, but she decided to wake me up early because she wanted to watch TV downstairs. I turned the TV on and handed her breakfast.

"Mummy can i see Daddy today?"

"Do you really want to see Daddy?" she nodded

Great now i need to see that dickhead again.

"Jordyn if you see Daddy today, it will just be you and him"

"But Mummy why can't you be there too?"

"How about i stay for a little while?" she nodded and continued eating her breakfast.

I went into the kitchen and pulled my phone out of my pajama pants.

After 2 rings Luke answered.


"Hi, it's Brooke"

"Yeah i know"

"Jordyn wants to see you today"

"Right erm i'll come over and pick her up at 1"

"She wants me to come as well but i mean i don't have too"

"No it's cool, i'll picks yous both up at 1"

"Right bye"

I hung up the phone before i could change my mind about spending a few hours with my daughters dad. It was now 11am, Jordyn look content with Pepper Pig so i went for a quick shower before getting changed into white high waisted shorts and a black vest with a black plaid shirt round my waist.

I walked back downstairs to see my parents around the breakfast table drinking coffe while Jordyn was still watching Pepper Pig.

"Come on Jordyn time to get dress"

"Where are yous going love?" my dad asked

"Out with Luke" i mumbled

Jordyn had already went upstairs so i followed her into her room.

"So what do you want to wear?"

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out her nirvana t-shirt Blair had bought for a joke and some black leggings. She changed managing herself before walking over to where her shoes are a picked up black boots.

My daughter is really trying to dress like her dad; god help her.

I brushed her hair putting it into a braid, my hair had dried wavy so i left it.

It was now 1 and i heard a car horn, i walked downstairs with Jordyn grabbing my phone and headed outside. Luke was standing with his back on the drivers door waiting on us; Jordyn had ran up to him.

"DADDY!" Jordyn squealed

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