Chapter Five

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Andi's bedroom door flew open, she was still fast asleep. But wanna know who stood at her door? Three firemen. Her house was burning down, and she was asleep.

"Get her downstairs and out of the house! But first wake her up!" One firemen said, shouting out demands. Another out of the three gently shook Andi awake.

"Here, let me take you down stairs." Andi let him pick her up and take her outside, her face was ashened up from the smoke. Coughing, Andi was set down on the grass, far away from the house on fire.

"Andi, Andi!" Andi slightly lifted her head up, causing pain to roll down her body. CJ came running up to her, his younger brother Ricky following him. He kneeled down next to her, Ricky imitating.

"Andi, what happened??"

"I don't know.. I just got woken up and I was set out of the house."

That's when CJ noticed her wrists.

"Andi.. When did you.." He trailed off, as Andi sat up. Her leg shooting pain everywhere. Once Andi recognized what CJ was talking about, her eyes grew wide. Ricky didn't seem to know what they were talking about, but he listened anyways.


"If you don't want Ricky to know, he can go back to my family." CJ assured. But Andi shook her head twice.

"No, he can stay. It'll be a lesson for him about life." Andi laughed slightly. Ricky looked at her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ricky asked, his innocence playing with him.

"This." Andi and CJ said at the same time. Andi turned over both of her wrists, letting Ricky see. He gasped.

"You cut?" Ricky croaked out.

Andi nodded, her wrists with old scars, new scars, and new cuts. Her smile notified she didn't want to talk about it, but she did. And this is what she said.

"Ricky, don't ever cut, ok? You're in that period of time, where when someone autonomically hurts your feelings or breaks your heart, you immediately turn to a razor sharp knife and cut your self. And cutting is addicting, and once you start, there may be no way to stop. People may not notice you, they don't seem that you're hurt and sad. Maybe even depressed and angry at the world. Your only, what 12? And things happen at an early age. I've tried to stop many times, but not a day goes by that isn't clean. I was almost two weeks clean, but I cut..." Andi paused, trying to remember if it was the same day or the next day.

"Yesterday." CJ answered.

"Yesterday. Because of one friend, I was able to stop. And can you guess who, Ricky?" Rocky shook is head, a little confused.

Andi slightly pinged her left index finger towards CJ. Ricky turned his head to his older brother and smiled. "He helped me."

"But then why did you cut yesterday if CJ helped you?" Ricky asks, the curiosity getting to him.

Andi paused for a few moments then said, "I wasn't loyal to myself. Like I said, it's complicated to stop once you start. But, Ricky, when you have a problem, you shouldn't have to turn to a knife to help you out. I promise you, CJ or Preston will sit down and listen to every word you've got to say."


The injury in her left leg made it hard to walk, after sleeping a couple or so hours, her leg stiffened causing more pain to shoot up and down her leg. But, not wanting CJ or his family worry more than they do, she continued walking, trying not to let the pain show. They were already taking her int their home till the police could notify a close family member that she needed somewhere to stay.

"Here, CJ, go show Andi the way up to the guest room. You too, Ricky." Ricky smiled, knowing he'd take the cute girl up to the guest bedroom, next to his own. Without hesitating, CJ and Ricky helped Andi up to the room.

"Andi, you ok?" CJ asks suddenly, taking notice to her left leg.

Not caring if Ricky was near or not, Andi turned her head just slightly, and CJ could tell she was crying. CJ didn't judge how much she cried, as long as she was ok and he was by her side, they'd both be fine. Walking away from Ricky's side, CJ stood next to Andi. Taking both her delicate, fragile hands, CJ looked Andi in the eyes. Ricky followed and stood a foot or two away from CJ and Andi, watching curiously what would happen.

"CJ, I can't hold the tears back any longer. I give up on life." CJ stood, listening to her words. His sincere face, assured Andi, but she didn't notice at the time. "My brother moved, my house burnt down, my mom is in jail, my dad left us.. I don't have a family anymore.," Ricky listened as well, not sure of what to say. He didn't know how to cheer up a depressed, 14 year old girl. Only CJ can.

"Andi, Andi.. Listen. Don't give up on life, and it's okay to let the tears fall out. The tears show how strong you fought, and how well you can stand up. But every once in a while, a little rain needs to come in front of the beautiful, colored rainbow. No one will judge you for crying, cause it happens to every single elder, adult, teen, kid, toddler, you name it. Andi, I know you still have hope in the heart. The rain has almost washed it away. But once that rainbow reappears, all your hopes will rejoice. You just have to keep swinging from vine to vine, no matter if there are alligators snapping at you feet, or wind blowing you off the lines so that you're only one string on hold. Andi, I have faith in you. And I know you can make it, just don't give up. You didn't come to earth for 14 years just to give up on yourself."

Andi and Ricky stood silent after CJ finished. Andi didn't know how much CJ cared for her, Ricky was inspired by how much kindness, love, and cheering up he could give a helpless and hopeless girl.

With just a few left over tears falling off her face, Andi smiled fully. Her perfect, straight smile that she hadn't shown since she was 7 years old. Who knew that her best friend could help her just by saying someone so simple yet so deep.

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