Chapter Twelve

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It ends up that CJ didn't tell Andi what he was going to say, he felt it was the wrong time.


Once again, the two wake up together in the bed. Silently, Andi stepped out of bed, letting CJ sleep in.

Andi walked down the stairs, careful to not let the old house squeak.

"Hey!" CJ says, popping his hands onto Andi's shoulders from behind. Andi let out a scream and turned around.

"My gosh, CJ, you scared me!" Andi tried not to smile and folded her arms, walking away and pretending to be mad. Truth was, she was smiling away from him.

"Ah.. Andi, wait! Don't be mad at me!" CJ calls, running up to Andi. Andi turns around and starts to burst out laughing. CJ looks at Andi, confused, and then realizes what just happened. He too, starts to laugh.

"What you two kiddos laughing at?" Louis says, as he starts to walk to the stairs.

Andi then realized there was a baby in the house and she quietly covered her mouth in embarrassment. CJ and Louis give Andi a weird look.

"Did we wake Noah?"

Louis' left brow raises, as he starts to laugh. "No, not at all. I just dropped Olivia and Noah off at the doctors. Baby checkup."

CJ starts to laugh once more, along with Andi.

"Oh, stop laughing at me!" Andi says, a wide smile on her face as she walks into the kitchen. CJ walks in a second later.

"What's for breakfast.." Andi mutters to herself. Andi steps to get tiptoes, trying to see the top shelve of the cabinet she looked in.

"Need help, munchkin?" CJ says with a teasing tone. Andi turns around.

"Umm... Why not?" Andi's eyes sparkle with happiness as CJ walks loser to her. Taking her off guard, CJ picks up Andi by her waist and sets her upon his shoulders.

Andi starts to laugh as she can now see within the top cabinet.

"We've got... Potatirs, green beans, beans, olives.." Andi says starting to read off what she sees, "ah-ha! Cereal!" Andi takes the cereal box and closes the cabinet doors.

"You say potatoes cute." CJ says as he lets Andi jump off his shoulders.

"Potatirs!" Andi say again and goes to a different cabinet, taking out two spoons and two bowls.

Andi stopped in her tracks, not realizing she was staring directly into CJ's eyes.

"Something wrong?" CJ asks Andi. Andi blinks a few times before stuttering.

"I- uh, yeah. I'm ok." Andi turns away, pouring the cereal into the two bowls. Andi then headed to the table, setting the two bowls at the corners of the four seated table.

"So.. What's the plans for today?" CJ asks, trying to start up a new conversation.

"Hmm.. I haven't thought about that. What would you like to do?"

Thinking to last night, Andi smiled a bit and asked, "what were you going to say last night?"

CJ thought a moment. "Oh, I wanted to ask if you.." CJ trailed off, embarrassed of saying it. He didn't want to be rejected.

Andi's left brow rose in question.

"When does school start?" CJ asks a completely different question than planed.

"Umm... This Tuesday! So, let's go school shopping before I forget!" Andi laughs lightly and Heads upstairs, CJ following behind.

"I'm going to change real quick." Andi and CJ say at the same time, making each other smile. They head off to their separate rooms, closing the doors.

Andi decided to throw on light, blue jean pants, a black and white stripped crop top. She then looked around for her white-tipped converse, slipping them onto her size 4 feet.

As for CJ, he put on dark blue jean pants and a black Volcom t-shirt, putting on his white-tipped converse as well.

Andi walked into Louis' room to find him sleeping away on the comfiest bed of all time. Andi looked over to CJ, then back to Louis.

"Uh.. Louis..." Andi shook Louis' shoulder. "Louis you need to get up. Olivia and Noah need to be picked up from the doctors." She shook his sane shoulder once again, finally waking him up.

Andi and CJ both laughed in awkwardness.

"Louis, come on! It's 11:34 in the morning. You shouldn't be sleeping, you should be driving your way to the doctors to pick up Olivia and Noah."

"Ok, ok, I'm up."

"Good." Andi says with a wide smile. She walks out with CJ, heading back to the kitchen to clean up breakfast.

Inside Andi's head, she wondered what CJ has to ask her. Why wouldn't he?


Louis drops off the two at the outside shopping mall, right before he goes to pick up Olivia and Noah.

Andi smiles as the subside blinds her blue eyes.

"I think the outside malls out here are far more better than they are in Paris." Andi says, CJ agreeing with her right away.

"Ok, Andi, can I ask you something now?"

Andi looks to her right, looking up into CJ's hazel eyes.

"As in now, or next year?" Andi jokes, making CJ smile.

"As in now."

"Ok, what do you need to ask?" Andi asks, taking a seat at the water fountain's edge. CJ sits as well before speaking.

"Well, it's a question and I need advice." He says, awkwardly looking down at the ground.

"Alright, go ahead." Andi says, ready to listen to every word CJ's got.

"There's this girl I know. And I really like her, she's so gorgeous, kind, sweet, funny, she has this way to make me smile no matter how bad I feel. Her blue eyes always seem to sparkle no matter how dull the world can get. I met her exactly two years and three days ago. This girl seems to understand me and what my old life used to be like, she knows if I'm sad or not. She helped me come to the bright side of the world. But I don't know how to ask her.. Out."

Andi stared at CJ, not knowing who this new girl was.

Let's just say that CJ explained Andi. Yep, you guessed it. Miss Andilynn Rae Summers.

"Well, I would just go for the simple, 'will you be my girlfriend?'" Andi smiled at CJ, glad that he's found love.

CJ continues his smile, saying, "Will you be my girlfriend, Miss Andilynn Rae Summers?"

Andi's mouth opens, CJ just asked her out, something she's been waiting for, for so long. She had no clue CJ thought all those things about her, when she thought so little about herself.

"I-I..." Andi paused, creating suspension within their silence. "Yes!"

CJ stood up and picked up Andi into his arms.

"I've been waiting so long to ask you out Miss Andilynn Rae Summers!" He bent his head down and they kissed for their second time.

Andi parted, saying, "did you here that?" She asks.

"What?" CJ replies, not hearing anything.

"I love you." Andi says, as they kiss for the third time.

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