Chapter Eight

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It's been a full week since the Abrams took Andi in. Andi stood up in the airport chair. The Abrams stood around her, and sadly CJ was crying inside. Andi would miss this family, and mostly CJ.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me the past week. It means a lot." Andi hugged everyone in the family besides CJ, who stood quietly in the back.

After hugging CJ's father, Andi looked at CJ with a sincere, sad look. CJ walked up to her and hugged here Andi hugging him back.

"I'm really sorry, maybe your mum or dad can contact Louis and Olivia and we can skip or something."

"It's ok, at least you get to see your brother, right?" CJ tried to assure Andi.

"Hmm, I guess.. Hey, you never told me who you liked."

CJ broke apart from their hug, looked to see if anyone was looking. No one was, his family were busy talking to one another. Looking back at Andi, he gently put his hands on Andi's cheeks and he pressed his lips against Andi's, and let go after a second or two.

"Now you know." CJ smiled sadly, and Andi looked at CJ, amazed. He does love her back, so much that he kissed his lips against hers. Andi felt bad for not knowing, but there was nothing she could do. After all, Louis and Olivia were waiting for her in the United States all the way in Arizona just for herself to be able to live and be sheltered.


Andi sit down in her seat, there was an elder man sitting to her left and a girl about her she sitting at her right. The plane left just seconds ago, and Andi already missed CJ.

"Hello, I'm Tasha. Is this your first time on a plane?" She had an American accent, not the England accent Andi was used to. Especially since England was her home, and home language. You know, the accent part.

"Yea, and I'm alone. It's kinda weird.. I guess." Andi looked around. It was her first time leaving Paris, much rather the entire world of England.

"Oh my gosh! You've got an accent! You're from England?!"

Quietly laughing, Andi answered, "yeah, I'm from England."

"Which part? I've always wanted to meet someone my age with Ana accent. I mean I have, but that was just at the 21 Pilots concert." The girl seemed so excited to talk to Andi, and Andi was glad she had a plane buddy.

"Paris, London."

"What's your name? I'm writing a book, and I want you to be in it, if you don't mind?" Tasha asks, still all bubbly inside.

"Andilynn." Andi smiled.

"Are you headed to Arizona too? Or..?" Tasha asks, she was headed to Arizona just like Andi.

"Yea, I'm seeing my older brother and his new wife there."

"You look sad, what's the matter?" Tasha asks, but honestly, Andi didn't want to speak about CJ.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Sorry." Andi's frown came back. She misses CJ, and his sweet, simple kiss.

"No, that's ok. I understand." Tasha smiled with sincere I'm her heart.


Andi jumped off the plane, she couldn't wait to see Louis and Olivia. After Andi grabbed her things and checked through security, Andi stood at the entrance where Louis and Olivia would be waiting.

Simply MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora