Chapter Ten

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What if Louis didn't want Andi to come back? What if he never wanted to see his younger sister again? It was such a stupid fight, just over protecting Andi.

Andi still walked home, alone, I'm the rain, cold, and crying. A car with its headlights stopped next to Andi. She turned her head, her long, wet, blonde hair lightly whipping her face.

"Ma'am, you need a ride?" The elder man asked. Andi walked up to his passenger window, not caring anymore.

"I'm wet."

"That don't matter, you're gonna freeze in this winter rain." Andi didn't hesitate to hop in, and she did.

"I'm sorry if your seat is soaked by the time I get back out."

The old man chuckled and replied, "Miss, what's your address?" 

"1457 West Grove."

Andi stood at the front door of her home. She waved at the elder man and he drove away. Andi was afraid to walk into the home. Just as she was about to set her hand I tot he front door, it swung open. Louis stood there, and he stared at Andi. His soft, sincere look had returned, and he looked at Andi the way he always did. But this time, a sad and sorry look was added.

"Andi, I'm so sorry." Louis took Andi's hand, even thought she was wet head to toe, and shut the door behind him. Water dropped off Andi's clothes and hair on to the floor. Louis hugged Andi, and Andi hugged him back. Tightly.

With his old, funny, and sassy self back, Louis chuckled, "go get showered up, kiddo. Dinners ready when you are."

"What about Olivia?"

"They told me to come pick her up at 7:00 tomorrow morning." Tomorrow was Saturday,Munich meant Andi didn't have work, which also meant she was able to go and see her nephew tomorrow morning.

"Ok, I'll be quick." Andi walked upstairs and stared into the mirror in her bedroom's bathroom. She was glad she came home, and that Louis wasn't mad at her.

Andi's bedroom had a bed, a dresser, and small desk with a chair, a bedside table, and a bathroom. But, Andi decorated it s bit more with her touch. All her photography photos hung on the walls, making every memory light up again each day as she looked at each photo. Even one of her pillows has a picture of her and her older. Either on it when she was 8 and he was 16. Good times..

Andi walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Louis was serving the plates.

"Welcome to the Louis and O's!!" Andi laughed along with Louis. Their cheerful, sibling love has returned. And both the two were just happy.

"What's the name of the baby?"

"You'll have to find out." Louis smiled then winked at Andi, making her smile as well.


Andi threw on a pair of Jean pants and a quarter-sleeve plain, white crop top, and slipped on her combat boots. Today, Louis was taking her to go see her nephew, and picking up Olivia. Andi was highly excited.

Hoping into the car, Andi looked out the window as Louis took off.

"Excited, kiddo? I've got a surprise for you." Louis smiled at Andi and put his eyes back on the rode. Andi usually didn't love surprises, unless they were from Louis. Louis always gave her the best surprises.

Andi looked at her wrists and made an honest, sad, and happy mistake. Two years clean. Because of CJ, she was two years clean.

Meanwhile in Paris, London:
(Third person with CJ) (two hours ago)

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