Chapter Eleven

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Andilynn sat quietly in the car, her and Louis' favorite song, Say Hey I Love You, played quietly in he background. All Andi was excited for was to see her lil, baby nephew and Louis' surprise for her.

"Five more minutes." Louis says, breaking the comfortable silence. Andi's lips break into a small but happy smile. Andi can usually figure out Louis' surprises a bit to soon but this time, Andi couldn't figure it out. Louis, lips were sealed tight.


"What's the baby's name?" Andi asks once Louis parks the Mini Cooper.

"You'll have to wait!" Louis says in his usual happy tone. Andi sighs in harassment. Louis opens the hospital doors and as Andi walks in, she doesn't believe what she sees. Or who..

Everyone in the waiting room has been waiting for this special moment, and here it is. Andi stood still, not believing that CJ was just feet away from her after two years. It was like time had stopped. Louis Bentley nudged Andi forward, a smile still on his face.

"C-C-CJ?" Andi managed to finally find her words. CJ watched as the happy tears flowed down her face, his tears as well.

Andi's lip started to quaver in excitement and from the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Andi, I've missed you so much these last two years." CJ says, walking up to Andi.

Cj wrapped his arms around Andi, hugging her close. Andi hugged him back, resting her chin in CJ's right shoulder.

"I've missed you too." Some of the hospital crowd 'Awwws' for a few moments.

"Your hair has gotten lighter." CJ comments.

"The sun works its way through. I don't like how blonde it is."

CJ breaks from their hug, "I think your hair is beautiful, just like you." Andi slightly laughs at him calling her beautiful. His sweet England accent was as strong as she had left him, hers was still strong but Andi's accent was rubbing off.

"You love bugs ready to go see the baby?" Louis asks, Andi had forgotten all about Olivia and Louis' baby of her new lil' nephew.

"Yea!" Andi and CJ say together, happily and all smiles.

Louis, CJ, and Andi all walk up to the front counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady asks.

"Hello, I'm here for Olivia Summer's new baby. We're taking them home today." Louis replies.

"Are you all family or..."

"Family and he's a friend, but we're close." Louis replies once again.

"Hmm.. Let me see.." The lady pause, looking for the Summer's profile. "That'll be room 15A, have a nice day you guys."

"You too." The three say in unison as they walk off.

Just seconds after leaving the counter, CJ takes Andi's hand into his, his checks just a blush. Andi smiles and takes his hand without hesitation.

"The baby's name is..." Louis pauses, his left hand rests on the door handle of 15A. He opens it to reveal Olivia holding Andi's new nephew.

Andi gasps, she actually gets to hold a newborn baby. Walking closer to Olivia, CJ following with his hand still entwined with Andi's.

"Noah Trenton Summers." Louis finishes, walking up behind the two reunited friends.

"A perfect name for a perfect baby." Andi whispers, letting go of CJ's hand to hold Noah in her arms. Andi sits down into the hospital bed, Olivia gently and carefully handing Noah over to Andi.

"He's so tiny and cute." Andi smiles after she thinks aloud, CJ smiles alongside her and Olivia and Louis.

"How much does he weigh?" CJ asks after some silence.

"6lbs and 3oz." Olivia answers. CJ nods, a smile still on his face as he watches Andi holding sweet, little baby Noah in her arms. The way Andi's fad lit up when she say him and when she say Noah really made CJ feel great. Just that small sparkle in her eyes and the way her blue eyes danced at the thought of himself or her nephew.

"Noah Trenton Summers.."


Andi laid in bed, it was 10:44pm and CJ was still here. He was in the guest bedroom, she couldn't believe that CJ was here. In Arizona, living with her till he found a house just like her.

"Hey." CJ says in a whisper, quietly knocking on Andi's door. Andi perks her head up, slightly startled, but s smile planted on her face. CJ walked in and came to sit by Andi on her Aqua and peach bedding.


"I can't sleep, I hope it's ok I come in and talk a bit?" CJ asks, just the way Andi did back in Paris.

"That's perfectly fine with me." Andi says, smiling in the dark.

"What do you do out here?" CJ asks, curiosity hints his accent.

"I recently quit my job, due to problems." Andi says, remembering the time when Louis backed her up and she didn't even thank him for it.

"Oh. What do you plan on doing?"

"Photography.. I guess. I'm not sure."

"That'd be awesome, you're really good at photography." CJ compliments.

"Thanks. I didn't know I was that good." Andi replies, blushing in the darkness of her bedroom.

"Can I say something?" CJ asks.

"What is it?"

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