Chapter 26: Drama

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One more week.

I put all my hope into this next week, praying my sister would stay alive until I could at least say goodbye but I couldn't help but hold on to the fact she'd make it. Obviously not realistic but miracles happens in these times and I was sure it would happen for her. After all, why should a small baby like her die before us. She's too pure for that. Too good.

The day after the ball, Sunday, Gabriel sent every other girl home apart from me, Grace, Opal and the blonde girl on my hall named Ivy. I no longer felt the other girls posed a threat to my relationship with Gabriel and I was extra excited that Grace lasted this long. It would ensure her a very good husband once she left as a Two.

Maybe she doesn't want to be a Two my inner voice chimed. Who doesn't want to be a Two? I spit back.

Those who want freedom.

That was the first time the word freedom rang through my brain. It was the first time freedom felt so sweet on the top of my tongue I wanted to scream it into the clouds. I shook my head quickly and looked up at Grace who sat across from me in the garden, to make sure she didn't see me and thought I was going crazy. She didn't glance up from the flower crown she was tying together but I certainly did think crazy was an adequate label to put on me. If the people were free, without any indication of their money class or future jobs, how would they live?

Free the voice whispered. What tyranny?! Or was it? People could strive for jobs, even 8's who are turned away just by their number. If you walked into a business building or medical building and turned in an application with the number 8 on the cast line, you'd be laughed at and probably humiliated. You don't have the schooling and that's because you don't have the money for your schooling and neither did your ancestors before you. It's a never ending cycle that's been used for the past 4 era's of Illeá. It's worked. But for who? The royalty? The higher common folk?

Not for the south, she whispered. And instead of shaking my head trying to get the situation out of my head, I listened. Mainly because well, she was right. The south is generously at least eighty percent sevens and eights. They have no hope...

And you have the chance to help.

This time I did shake my head. I wouldn't go against Gabriel so he'd have to know about it. I've never heard him bring up the issue and it could be because he disagreed with his father and couldn't speak of it or maybe he didn't think about the issue at all.

"Hey, you guys," the blonde girl named Ivy sat next to us on our blanket. My yellow sundress was covered with baby breath tied to each other. She picked some herself before sitting next to us.

"Hi," Grace smiled, "How was your date?"

It was news to me Gabriel had been with Ivy all afternoon. I kind of been hoping he was speaking to his father about letting me go to Carolina.

Ivy shook her head slowly, "Not the best."

"What happened?" I asked instantly intrigued.

"He's just not into it anymore. I can tell. He doesn't laugh at my jokes or hold my hand," she whispered tying one stem to the next. "It's fine though, I'm actually surprised I got this far."

Grace nodded, "Me too. He's never even tried to hold my hand."

I stared at them both, wide eyed. If I would've know this two weeks ago, so much unnecessary angst wouldn't had been wasted.

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