1: Changing Tides

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Fairy Tail, I wish I did but I don't.


Zangetsu's "speech" and thoughts

Ichigo's inner hollow's "speech" and thoughts

'Ichigo's thoughts'


"Don't die Ichigo!" A voice yells from the top of a white pillar. A man clad in black with bright orange hair and a white bone mask covering about a quarter of his face pauses from the ground below and turns his head to the familiar orange haired woman. "You don't have to win, and you don't have to fight for me. Just don't get hurt, I couldn't bare it." Tears run down her face as they look at each other.

Suddenly, a figure clad in white armor with long blue hair launches itself at the orange haired man. "Kurosaki!" He hollers and thrusts his dagger-like, black claws at the half masked man who catches it without hesitation.

"You see Grimmjow, hears the deal," Ichigo says in his multi layered voice, Grimmjow stares with wide eyes, shocked that he had simply caught his attack. "I've had a change of heart, and I can't allow myself to get beaten up by someone like you." In a flash, blood erupts from a deep gash in Grimmjow's chest who promptly falls to the ground.

It's over, Ichigo thought to himself but a hand wraps itself around the obsidian black blade. "I'm still here, you think you've won? You think you've beaten me? I'll scatter your bones in the sand!"

"Ichigo look out!" Orihime shouts.


Grimmjow thrusts his claws into Ichigo's stomach who jumps away, breathing heavily. A still determined look in his golden irises and pitch black scleras. "What?" The arrancar growls, "Those eyes, they keep mocking me, no matter how hard I beat you, somewhere deep inside you always think you can beat me. You always believe you are superior to me. I can't stand that!" Grimmjow races at Ichigo with a roar, successfully landing a blow on the orange haired soul reaper. As Ichigo is thrown back Grimmjow throws a punch that Ichigo blocks with his Tensa Zangetsu.

They continue to fly backwards and Ichigo laughs slightly, "Just what is it you can't stand? Are you upset that a lowly human like me would treat you as an equal?" This clearly struck a nerve because Grimmjow once again impaled Ichigo with his claws before throwing a kick, sending the soul reaper sky high.

"That has nothing to do with it, it doesn't matter to me whether you're a human, a soul reaper, or an arrancar, they're all the same! Anybody that looks down on me will be crushed!" Grimmjow appears behind Ichigo, "As for you Ichigo, you're going to be the first one to go!" Blue lights shine from his claws as he drags them across the sky leaving long glowing blue streaks. "Are you ready?"

"What the hell is that?" Ichigo asks once he's cleared some distance between the two. A demonic grin crosses Grimmjow's face, showing off his unnaturally sharp teeth.

"Desgarrón, It's my ultimate technique." With a howl, Grimmjow slashes at Ichigo. Ichigo is barely able to block the attack and is pushed back by the lights.

Orihime watches from behind her shield as Grimmjow laughs maniacally, "It's finished, you're over Ichigo! I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face! I am... I AM THE KING!!!" Ichigo hurdles at Grimmjow, his blade slicing through Grimmjow's Desgarrón until it finally shatters.

The Guardian of Fairy Tail || Bleach/FairyTail crossover fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt