13: Captive

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(Deep in the Worth Woodsea)
3rd person POV

Wendy, Orihime, and Happy grunt as they are harshly thrown to the ground by members of the Oración Seis.

"Don't be so violent!" Orihime shouts. Brain promptly lifts the orange haired girl by her neck, glaring her in the eye. A shiny dust begins to collect around Brain's shoulders but by the time he notices it an explosion causes him to release his hold on Orihime and stumble back in surprise. Everyone in the cave/hideout freezes, particularly the Oración Seis. Orihime doesn't waste time shooting another attack but is instantly surrounded. Recognizing that she is out numbered and not wanting to risk her friends safety, Orihime begrudgingly stands down, causing their captives to smile in satisfaction.

"Don't worry..." Orihime consoles Wendy who had rushed to her side, "We'll get out of here, I promise."

Racer leans against the wall lazily. "Who's the girl that made you stop your attack anyway? Does she have something to do with Nirvana?"

Angel comments, "Doesn't look like it to me."

Hoteye puts his fist in the palm of his hand, "I see!" He exclaims, "We'll sell them for money, yes?!"

Cobra grunts, "Is money all you ever think about?" Hoteye simply replies with an 'oh yeah'.

"I wanted her because she can use sky magic, in other words healing magic." Brain announces.

Cobra puts a hand on his chin, "I get it, so you think she can revive him."

Brain nods, "And now, we also have someone who can, 'reject all forms of phenomenon', yes?" Orihime cringes under the mans gaze.

"But that's impossible, there's no such magic in existence!" Cobra says in disbelief.

Nnoitra shorts, "Yes, I know all about this little princess's ability and it's nothing to scoff at."

"Exactly," Brain proclaims, "We will resurrect him!"

"Resurrect who?!" Happy declares.

Wendy says in a timid voice, "I don't really know who... But I'm not going to help bad people!" Orihime nods her head in agreement.

"Oh, you will. You will indeed."  Brain says with no room to argue. "You will resurrect him for us. Racer, bring him here."

"That's a long ways. It'll take even me an hour." Racer replies.

"No matter," Brain says.

I see, if we resurrect him, Nirvana is as good as found." Cobra smirks, "Is that what you're thinking, Brain?"

The white haired man simply says, "Cobra, Hot Eye, Nnoitra, Angel. Continue searching for Nirvana." Nnoitra makes a 'che' sound in irritation.

"But if we resurrect him, that won't be necessary." Angel points out.

"Hey, we asked you a question!" Happy accuses loudly, "Who are you trying to revive?"

Happy goes unnoticed and Brain continues, "And just in case, Midnight and I will remain here."

Hot Eye remarks, "It doesn't look like Mid's going to do anything..." Said aforementioned mage was snoozing away contently.

Cobra strokes his snakes chin. "Ah well, guess we're off then..."

"Hey, let's race!" Angel suggests, "The first one of us to find Nirvana-,"

"Gets one million jewel! Yes!" Hot Eye interrupts excitedly.

Angel glowers for a moment, "One million? That's a lot..."

"Hey, what are they talking about??" Happy asks the two other mages being held hostage.

Orihime replies, "I have no idea..."

Wendy turns her, "Just what kind of magic is Nirvana?"

Brain, who had seemingly overheard them, turned around menacingly, "Magic that switches dark and light."

"Light and dark?" Orihime whispers to herself as all but two of the Oración Seis left the cave in search of Nirvana.


When Racer returns, it is with a large T shaped coffin bound by chains. The front is purple with a gold scarab adorning it.

"This took longer than I thought," Racer says to a grinning Brain, "I couldn't get any speed with something this heavy."

Brain replies, "Don't be so hard on yourself. No one is faster than you."

Orihime mentally disagrees with his statement and Wendy stares at the coffin fearfully. "That's a coffin." Whispers the blue haired girl to herself.

Brain approaches them with a dark grin splitting his face in morbid pleasure. "One of you are going to heal this man for me."

"We will do no such thing!" Orihime proclaims.

"That's right!" Happy exclaims in agreement.

"Oh," Brain assures, "You will heal him. You must." Just then, the chains shackled around the coffin shatter and fall to the ground with a metal clatter. The face of the coffin begins to melt away as if spots of luminescent white acid were spattered on it. Wendy and Happy gasp in horror at the person held within its confines. A teal/green substance glows from beneath cracks on his exposed arms. A deep red scar(tattoo?) runs vertically across his right eye and dark blue hair hangs lifelessly in his  face.

"This is Jellal." Brain informs them, earning a intake of breath from Orihime who now understands her friend's reaction. "He had, at one time, infiltrated the Magic Council."

Happy takes a horrified step back, "No... No!"

Brain turns a gaze of insanity and bloodlust in their direction. "In other words, He's someone who knows where Nirvana is."

"But why?" Happy trembled, "How can he be alive?"

"Jellal..." Wendy whispers.

"You know him?!" Happy asks in surprise.

Brain continues his explanation, "He was bathed in Ethernano and became like this but, he is not actually dead. You see, you are the only ones who can return him to the way he was. This man saved your life, did he not?" He directs his last question towards Wendy who merely gulps.


(A/N: Sorry, I know it's kind of a cruddy chapter but the next one will be better, promise!)

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