10: Enter the Oración Seis!

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"Now then, since all guilds are present we can begin." Says Jura, completely unfazed by the ordeal.

Sherry says with a frown, "What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking? Sending such little girls on this mission. They must really be hurting for members if they sent little kids."

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions, gaudy woman." A white cat with pink bows and a miniature version of Wendy's dress walks in the entryway.

"Woah, another talking cat..." Natsu says in awe.

"She's just like Happy." Says Gray.

"Stupid cat, I'm not gaudy." Mumbles Sherry.

"That's her gripe?" Grimmjow asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, Carla," Says Wendy in a small voice. "You followed me here?"

"Of course I did," The cat says with a sense of regality. "You couldn't have expected me to just sit around and do nothing while you faced danger."

"Pretty kitty." The Trimans say as they strike a pose.

They flirt with cats too? What's up with that?

'Yeah it's kinda gross, no offense to cats or anything.'

"Well it's good to have you on the team Wendy," I say warmly, "What kind of magic do you use anyway?"

Before she can answer Hebiki puts a hand on her back suavely, "Why don't you come with me?"

"Oh cut it out with the flirting alright," I tell the brunette, "You're way to old for her anyway."

Hebeki gives me a minuscule glare before returning his attention to the group as a whole. "Alright, now that all are present, I think that it's about time we get the mission briefing underway. Our first order of business, is determining the location of the Oración Seis." Everybody's attention is now on the Trimans. "Now, pay close attention. To the north lies the Worth Woodsea where the powerful magic called Nirvana was sealed away by ancients." My muscles stiffen and I spare a glance at Grimmjow who is also looking in my direction.

"Nirvana?" Natsu, Orihime, and Nell ask simultaneously.

"Never heard of it before." Comments Lyon.

Sherry turns to Jura, "Do you know what it is?"

"No," He replies, "I do not."

Ren says, "We do not know much about this magic other than its name and that it is destructive in its nature."

"And that the Oración Seis want it badly." Continues Eve.

"Destruction magic." Natsu says to himself mainly.

"Okay, bad feeling confirmed." I say with crossed arms as if saying, 'I told you so'.

"We assume that's why they traveled to the Worth Woodsea, their desperate to get their hands on such powerful magic." Announces Hebiki.

"To prevent that from happening, we must destroy the Oración Seis!"

Ren continues, "We may have the advantage in having numbers but remember-."

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