6: Fantasia

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Fairy Tail, I wish I did but I don't.


I cough and the thick brown dust surrounding me begins to settle. I look around to see that everyone is unharmed by the attack. "What the... no way... Impossible! How in the hell are you all still alive?!" Shouts Laxus, "There was so much magic energy,"

"The other mages and the citizens remain unharmed." Says a new voice calmly.

"Freed." Laxus looks at his battered associate.

"It looks like your spell didn't work." Freed says from his position in the doorway, "Not a single person was killed."

"That's impossible, I cast the Fairy Law spell perfectly!"

"That may be so but your true feelings have betrayed you. You inherited more than strength from your grandfather, deep down you also have the masters heart. Whether you admit it or not it's obvious that you care for your comrades. The Fairy Law spell only work against those the caster sees as it's enemies. Since no one was hurt we know how you truly feel. you can try to hide your true feelings Laxus but magic will always reveal the truth within your heart."

"No that's ridiculous truth is anyone who would dare stand in my way is my enemy!" Shouts Laxus aggravatedly.

"This has gone on long enough! You need to go see the master before he's gone!"

"Let the old man die for all I care! He's nothing to me him may be family but I'm stronger!" Laxus's energy spikes and he is consumed by lightning.

Natsu bristles beside me, barely able to contain his rage. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE-!" I extend a hand in front of Natsu cutting him off.

"You had your chance to back down Laxus but you didn't take it, now you're going to pay." I say in a deathly serious voice that silences everyone in the room. I take a few steps towards Laxus letting my spiritual energy increase dangerously close to passing my preferred level of fighting. My hair covers my eyes as I approach the lightning dragon slayer.

Oo let me kick his ass King! In need to let out some pent up energy and this bastard seems like the perfect guy to spend it on.

'I think I'm going to do this the quick way. Besides, we can't go revealing all the tricks up our sleeves just yet.' I unsheathe Zangetsu and hold him in front of me. I'm surrounded by my spiritual pressure and before anybody can even catch a glimpse of Zangetsu I flash step behind Laxus swinging at him, leaving a large and bloody gash on his bare back.

Laxus jumps away in surprise and snarls, "How dare you challenge me?!" He throws a lightning enhanced uppercut that sends me flying threw the ceiling of the cathedral. I quickly stabilize myself in mid air and prepare for Laxus's next attack. He lunges at me and I quickly deal a blow to his lower abdomen causing him to crash into the roof.

Third person

"You're never going to get Fairy Tail! Not as long as I'm around!" Ichigo shouts and Laxus pulls back his fist.

"LIGHTNING DRAGON, DOMINATION FIST!!!" Laxus shoots a huge lightning bolt at Ichigo who deflects the attack at one of the bell towers which explodes into a smoking heap.

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