4: Breaking Out

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Fairy Tail, I wish I did but I don't.


"Have you seen Igneel?!" Natsu shouts centimeters from our faces.

Grimmjow kicks him away, "We haven't even seen our own dragons in nearly two years!"

"What'r your dragons names?" Gajeel asks.

"Heru, dragon of the sun." Says Grimmjow.

"Astennu, dragon of the moon."

"Whoa! Cool!" Natsu exclaims.

"It looks like the real battle's about to begin." Says Erza.


Erza has just left and I decide that now would be as good a time as ever to join the fight officially. I approach the old man while nobody's paying attention. "Excuse me, Makarove?"

"Yes?" He asks with a worried smile.

"May we talk to you in private?" I gesture to Grimmjow and myself.

"Yes of course." He leads us to an office and sits behind a desk while Grimm and I sit in two chairs opposite of him.

"We would like to join the guild." I say abruptly.

Makarove's eyes widen before narrowing slightly, "Is that so?"

Grimmjow leans forward on his elbows, "Yes, but before you make your decision we feel that there are some things you should know about us."

This seems to add to Makarove's curiosity as he folds his hands in front of him. "And what exactly would said things be?" He asks in a cautious manner.


The moment we exit the office all of the girls turn back to normal.

"LUCY!!!~" Crys Happy who makes a B-line for the blond celestial wizard.

"Erza vs. Evergreen, the winner is... Erza!" Announces Makarove.

"Well it looks like Laxus is all out of hostages." I sneer.

"Ha! Serves him right!" Grimmjow laughs.

"Hey, looks like the number of players has jumped to ten!"

"Who could the extra two be though? Are other members beginning to wake up?"  Asks Gajeel and I conceal a snicker.


"And he called it the battle of Fairy Tail?" Lucy asks.

"He's over done it this time," Cona remarks.

"At any rate, it's over now." Makarove says. "I played along with his foolish games because your lives were in danger but I won't indulge him anymore.

"Master," Mirajane says softly, "We can't let him get away with hurting our friends."

"She's right!" Bisca proclaims, "If we don't teach Laxus a lessen then he'll never learn!"

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