"...And, I'm sorry..." (Sam Imagine)

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Image: Sam having to burn you after dying on a hunt.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. I really am." apologized Dean as he stood next to Sam, both of them standing over your wrapped dead body. "But it's not your fault. (Y/N)'s death is not your fault."

Sam stood in silence as he stared down at your lifeless body. Tears gently pouring down his cheeks.

"I know you loved her, and you did all that you could in your power to try to save her." continued Dean. "And I know, she knows you tried to be there for her."

After a few moments of silence Sam finally spoke, "I need to bring her back, Dean. I love her. I love her too much to let her go." Before Sam could turn around and leave, Dean placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Sam." began Dean. "You know (Y/N) wouldn't want that. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself for her death, she wouldn't want you to go crazy trying to bring her back. She wouldn't want you to go crazy over her death."

Sam stood in silence as he shrugged Dean's hand off his shoulder. Finally after moments of silence from Sam, he gently spoke, "Yeah. I know."

Dean reached down, and began to pour flammable liquid on your corpse, as Sam stuffed his hands in his jean pockets, pulling out a match and immediately lighting it. Sam stood there, match in hand, watching the little flame illuminate around the little darkness that surrounded it.

"I love you, (Y/N). I always will." whispered Sam, whose gaze never left the match. "And, I'm sorry." As one last tear streamed down Sam's cheek, he threw the match watching your corpse ignite into flames.


TA-DA! I hope you guys enjoyed this! That's right I'm adding gifs to these imagines!

I hope you guys enjoy this little Sam imagine. I'll be glad to take requests from any fandom.

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