"Play hanky panky" (Dean Imagine)

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You and your best friend both squealed in excitement, holding each other's hands as you both jumped up and down. Whenever you're around (Y/BF/N), they always manage to bring out the child in you. "So, then what are you two going to do?" They ask as you both calm down from the seizure of excitement you both had.

"We're having a movie marathon." You reply, crossing your arms proudly. "He says he's never seen a single Harry Potter movie, but after tonight..." You trail off, getting closer to your friend, putting your hands on their shoulders. "He will be a full-blown" Potterhead!"

"I can't believe you're going out with a guy who's never seen a single movie or read a single book!" (Y/BF/N) replied."You don't like to associate with guys who aren't into, or at least seen, Harry Potter."

"Hey." You being, placing your hands on your hips. "It is preferred but never a requirement."

You saw your best friend roll their eyes and scoff at the ridiculousness you just said.

"Besides." You continue. "He has the world's most gorgeous green eyes, and you know how much of a sucker I am for green eyes." You finish, squealing as you say the world 'eyes.'

You squeal behind your clenched teeth, your hands into fists as you shake them in front of you. You continue this episode for about 30 seconds when you suddenly stop, looking at the watch on your left wrist. "Oh snap!" You shout, looking at the mounted wall-clock to confirm the time on your watch. You spring your head to your friend's direction, walking towards them and grab them by the arm. "You gotta go!" You urge as you pull them towards the door.

"Damn, girl!" (Y/BF/N) announces as they pull free from your crazed grip. A chuckle escaped from them as they adjust their shirt sleeve, "You must like this guy."

"Yes." You sigh as you release the tension in your shoulder. "So this night must go perfect. A perfect dinner, perfect movies, and the perfect atmosphere!" You throw your hair over your shoulder as you feel excited for the night you have planned.

"Now go." You demand as you open the door for them, pushing them out into the hallway.

"Okay, okay. I'll go."

You close the door behind them when a push stops you from the other side of the door.

"By the way." (Y/BF/N) says, peeking their head through the space between the door and the frame. "Don't push your interests on him too much. You know-how you become when you force your interests onto people."

You let out a loud scoff, offended. "I don't do that. Besides, they're passions not interests."

"Whatever, just don't do it." They say as they close the door behind them.


The bowl of popcorn is finally placed on your coffee table. You take a tiny step back from it to take in one last final look at the nice setup you have. On the table, you have placed a bottle of red wine; as well as white wine, in case Dean is feeling a bit on the lighter side; along with two wine glasses that were recently dusted and washed from your cabinet (since you haven't had a date in a long time). Next to the wine was a homemade pizza that is warm and ready to be devoured, a meatzza as some people call it. In the center of the entire coffee table was a vase of freshly picked flowers that you collected from your best friend's garden. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

"You just set a wonderful coffee table (Y/N)." You say to yourself aloud, twirling your hair with excitement.

"One last thing." You say, as you grab the TV remote from the small end table on the side of the couch, pressing the power button on, the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's  Stone title appearing on the screen. "Good thing I always have this movie ready to play." You say, joking to yourself when you hear a knock on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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