"Three Years" (Castiel Imagine)

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Imagine: Years after breaking up with Castiel, he comes back to make things right.

Where am I?

You began to gain a little consciousness. Your vision was beginning to clear up. You moved your arms a little but complete stiffness was in control of your body."Help." you faintly call out. You manage to raise your right arm only to be semi-constricted with wires. You began to panic a little when you realized you were in a hospital room.

You gently turn your head and notice the monitor beeping as a sign that you're still alive. You faintly call out 'help' again in hopes that someone will come in through the door. After calling out for help, you lay your head back down on the pillow in defeat.

"How long have I been here?" you faintly ask yourself, as you turn to look at the clock. "4:26" you read aloud. "It must be the afternoon." you concluded as you noticed sunlight was piercing through the closed curtains. "That still doesn't explain how long I've been here."

You look around the room, hoping that you will be able to find the answer to your question. You frantically grab the white sheets and pull them away from you. You slowly start curling your toes as you feel them equally stiff as your arms. You begin to swing your feet over to the side of the bed. You grab the monitor staff for support as you pull yourself up. You sit up straight and catch your breath.

"Why did that make me already tired?" you asked yourself as you sit there on the bed inhaling deeply. You suddenly notice wires taped to your chest, you quickly yank them away, as well as the pulse oximeter attached to your index finger. You soon hear the heart line on the monitor go flat. You use the monitor staff to pull yourself off the bed, but your feet begin to fail you, and quickly fall to the ground.

"Son of a bitch..." you curse under your breath. "What? What's wrong with my legs?" You quickly wiggle your toes for assurance that you have full motor function of your feet and toes. You take a deep breath and pull yourself up, using the damn monitor.

You manage to stand your ground, and you began to trudge around the room in search of anything that will help you understand what is going on. You make it towards the exit but change your mind as you didn't want to nurses to know you're up and about. You make it back to footsteps of your bed and grab the clipboard that hanged from it.

You grab it, astonished and surprised to what you happen to read. You feel your whole body turn cold, as you know the warm temperature of your body drops. "I... know this cannot be..." you began to say but you're soon startled by the sound of what you never thought you would hear again. The rustling of wings.

You turn around and notice Castiel, standing there looking at you with eyes filled with joy, yet a hint of sadness falling upon them.

"(Y/N) you're alright." began Castiel, a weak smile upon his face. He walks over to you and wraps you in a hug you never thought you would experience again.

You quickly pull away from him, as you stand there in shock, unsure of what you just read and unsure of what Castiel was doing here. Castiel's eyes shifted to the clipboard in your hand, understanding the reason for your silence.

"So you know what happened to you?" asked Castiel, not making eye contact with you, voice as gravely as ever.

You stood there in silence. The only thing that came out of you was a scoff of annoyance. You finally composed yourself, running your hands through your hair. "No, Cas. I don't know exactly what happened to me. I don't quite understand what the hell is going on here." you began, irritation in your tone.

"Well..." began Cas. "You were in a brutal car accident, and it resulted in you being in a coma." Cas couldn't make eye contact with you his eyes were turned towards the floor. He soon turned to look at you, locking his blue eyes with your (Y/E/C) eyes, "You were in a coma for about three years."

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