"...the rest of eternity..." (Castiel Imagine)

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Imagine: Castiel arriving too late to save you, and finds your body.

He has searched and searched for days. Because of the angel engravings he had placed on your ribs he hasn't been able to locate you. He meant for it to protect you from the other angels, he never meant for it to backfire on him as much as it did.

"It's been days. We need to find her." spoke Castiel in his gravely voice as he walked through the woods, brushing aside tree branches that were in his way. "We need to find her now!"

"We're doing the best we can, buddy." responded Dean, following after Castiel. He knew he has been inconsolable ever since you were taken by the vampires. "I'm sure we will find her soon. We've slashed through vampires so far, I'm sure we will find her."

"Yeah, Cas." assured Sam as he pulled out a map, marked with red x's with places they had searched but had little to no success to find you. But the Winchesters were not giving up. Especially not Castiel. He won't stop till he finds you.

He continued to trudge along the dirt path in front of him, stepping and crunching on leaves as he stopped; checking every tree to check on marking that the vampires might have left, or maybe you. He walked ahead of the Winchesters, being ahead of them by a mile or two. He continued to walk ahead of them

He continued to walk until he came to an open grassy area in the woods. This particular area in the woods calmed him down for a bit, noticing the clear sunlight pierce from behind the trees. It was particularly calm and serine in this location. The tall grass were nice and green, reaching up to his shin. The grass was rather high but Castiel continued to walk through, determined to find you.

As he continued through he noticed afar a little hump laying on top of the grass. He began to walk towards it, walking faster and faster until he began to run until he realized exactly what it was.

It was you.

You laid lifeless as he slowly began to approach you, tears streaming down his eyes as he looked down at your lifeless body. He stood in silence, breathless, speechless. From behind he heard the Winchesters run up behind him, and stop as they see the horrific view in front. They turned their gaze to Castiel who had just collapsed on his knees beside you.

Your skin had begun to get purple, with a waxy glow on your pale skin. Your lips, fingernails, had turned to a pale color. A small pool of blood had already formed around your lifeless body. Castiel gently grabbed your hand, and noticed a bluish hue to them. He caressed your hand as he placed your lifeless hand near his check. You looked peaceful as you laid in the tall grass, the sunlight from behind the trees shinning down on you.

"She looks peaceful." spoke Sam, hoovering over Castiel. Sam wasn't quite sure what to say at the moment, he just knew that this was painful not only for Castiel but for himself and Dean.

"Yeah." responded Cas gently as he grabbed your body and held you in his arms, hugging you tightly, Gently removing the hair from your face as he looked down at your beautiful face. He knew he would never have another chance to see your smile, your (Y/E/C) eyes. He knows he will never be able to kiss you ever again.

"I'm sorry." He gently whispered as he buried his face in your soft (Y/H/C) hair. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

At this point he had sat down completely and cradled you. He slowly but gently began to rock back and forth. Sam and Dean had never seen him this destroyed ever. He had always managed to keep him self collected, but witnessing you in this state, made his collapse.

Sam and Dean stood there in silence, lowering their heads in respect to your passing. They knew you wouldn't want Castiel to ever blame himself for anything that ever happens to you, especially not your death.

Dean placed a comforting shoulder on Castiel, and gave him a small smile as he turned to look at Dean. His eyes were watery, overflowing in his crystal blue eyes.

He knew that he couldn't stay here forever, he turned to look at you, and held you tight one last time. He began to stand up, holding you in his arms.

The sunlight continued to shine down upon you and Castiel, isolating you two from the rest of your surroundings with a beautiful light.

Castiel stood tall, with your body in his arms. He knew that this wasn't the last time he would see you.

He has the rest of eternity to look forward with you in heaven.


I like this one.

But then again I like all my imagines.

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