"...Happy you're okay..." (Sam Imagine)

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Imagine: Sam trying to explain his "hunting" job to you when he comes home injured.

It's been days since Sam went hunting with Dean. You respected Sam's love and bond he had with Dean. So naturally you respected their hunting trips on the weekends.

But it's been months now, Sam rarely comes and visits you. He says it's his job, (which he's never told you) at first you believed him but now you're starting to doubt.

If he wants to ends things, he can say it to my face. You thought as you glanced through a book not focusing on the words. He can't even break up with me properly... You soon started flipping through the page violently.

A knock sounded from your entrance door, which startled you a bit, causing you to stir in your sofa. You let out a sigh, as you start for the door. You look through the little looking glass, and see a bloody Sam on the other side of the door.

You jolted back a bit, startled by the bloody view. You stand in silent shock, and you trembled a bit. A knock on the door was soon heard again, and you realized what you just saw. And you quickly open the door. Same leans on the door frame, clutching his side.

You grab him and support him. You felt slightly attracted to this bloody Sam. You guide him to your sofa, as you gently place him on, making him you don't hurt him anymore.

"Sam." You start as you take a step back getting a better look at him. "What happened to you?"

You laid on the sofa, a he took in deep pain filled breaths. You make your way to different rooms, grabbing different items that would help fix him up. You sit down next to him as you gently pat his wounds, gently cleaning the blood.

Sam would flinch here and there every so often. You sat in silence, as you attended to his wounds.

"I should have told you." Began Sam with an inaudible whisper. " I shouldn't have kept something this big from you."

You didn't say anything as you continued to attend his wounds. You had so many things you wanted to say, but you didn't want to overwhelm him. You let him continue.

"I told you I hunted, and it's true." Continued  Sam as his breathing continued: staggered. "But I never told you what it was I hunted."

You give him a hard cold indifferent stare. You continued to attend his wounds, not answering.

Sam let our a small groan of pain, followed by a determined sigh. "Monsters." He looked at you but you averted his gaze this time focusing on you job.

"You know. Vampires, ghosts, demons. You're not looking at me. You think I'm lying? Y/N please look at me." Sam had sat up straight, erecting his back and shifting away from you. You immediately dropped your hands on your laps, your gaze following your hands.

"I'm not some psycho."

A few seconds of silence passed and you finally lifted your gaze, looking at his pleading eyes, yet you continued indifferent and cold.

"Please, Y/N. Answer me, say something."

"What do you want me to say?" You asked, your voice rather calmly and quite. "I literally have nothing to say."

Sam let out a sigh, as he seemed to slouch a little. "You don't believe me? You think I'm lying?"

"I didn't say that."

"That's what it seems like."

"Listen Sam. I haven't seen or heard from you in weeks. I assume you left me for another. You return, all bloody and hurt. How am I suppose to react?"

"Worried. For me."

"I am, Sam. I am. I worried about you for these past weeks. It seemed like I worried for months, maybe years. I never got a word from you." Tears began streaming down your cheeks, as you tried to hide it. "That's all I did Sam. Worry. But right here right now. I don't want to worry. I'm... Just happy you're okay." You blurt out wrapping your arms around his neck.

Your sudden gesture of love took Sam aback. He was in a moment of shock, but soon quickly wrapped his arms around you, getting a right grip in you. You have never felt such a strong and secure hug. You felt safe in his hold, and you knew Sam felt it too.



Sorry for the caps the caps was on and I didn't remove it till a few words ago.

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