"Not a bad day after all..." (Castiel Imagine)

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Imagine: Walking down the street, and bumping into Castiel.

"Oh Gosh. I'm going to be late." you exclaimed as you looked at the bathroom mirror, quickly running your hands through your hair. "My first day on the job, and I'm late." You growled as you quickly stuffed your make-up in your make-up bag zipping it up. "Can this day get any worse?" you ask yourself throwing your little pink polka dot bag into your purse. You exit the bathroom, speed walking to the kitchen grabbing your car keys, you quickly headed towards the door, but quickly turned around to inspect your apartment to make sure you weren't forgetting anything. You let out a small smile as you realized everything was in check.

Outside your apartment, you quickly hop into your car and begin to ignite the engine. Your car sputters as it struggles to come to life, "Come on, come on." you murmured  under your breath as you realized your car wasn't starting. "What the f... Crap." you said as you grabbed your bag from the passenger seat, and got out of the car. Quickly speed walking away from your car you clicked the car lock. "Of course, my damn car doesn't start." you complained as you waited to cross the street. "What will my boss say? I'm already late for my first day."

About a mile and a half walking, you broke a heel due to the friction your feet were causing while you were speed walking, you limply twist your ankle as you hear your high heel crack. "Crap." your curse as you see your brand new black heel broken. You quickly bend down and take of your heels and begin to sprint, Thank God I'm a jogger. You thought as you were running down the street, you stop a few blocks away from your future work place. The high tower shinning in the distance, Almost there. You thought as you let out a sigh of relief, You begin to walk normally as you look at your watch, About 10 minutes late, 15 if I continue walking. You placed your arm by your side when you suddenly drop your bag and its contents on the floor. "Hmm..." You sigh as you bend down picking up your things. You notice a pair of hands helping you pick up your fallen belongings.

You look up to notice a puppy eyed man, with the most heavenly blue eyes staring back at you. You feel your face turn red as you continued to gather your things. The scruffy man quickly got up handing you his hand to help you up. "I'm Castiel." greeted the heavenly eyed man.

"(Y/N)" you responded as you looked at his eyes, getting a fluttery feeling in the pit of your stomach. "I'm (Y/N)" you repeated realizing your're repeating yourself, you take your hand back and adjust your purse over your shoulder.

"Well, I'm terribly sorry for the little collision there." apologized Castiel.

"It's not problem." you assured smiling.

"Well, I have to get going. I have a world to save." nodded Castiel with a smile.

You let out a slight chuckle followed by a smirk, as you watched Castiel leave.

You turned around heading towards your job when you felt a goofy smile creep over your face.

I guess today wasn't a bad day after all...

Please go check out my Etsy account! Still a work in progress but I will be more than happy to write you a story!

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