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A/N--Pic of Karan &Neha in last chapter.

----Hussain's POV-----

I had come home after a bit later yesterday. I also ran into Atif, so we stayed and started talking.

I even talked to Shehry and he said that he told me exactly what she said.

She didn't come to super late. I only know this because bhabi told me. Otherwise, I had put Aashima to sleep and fallen asleep myself.

Today, I was planning to ask her but instead I decided to just play my card.

"Good morning princess,"I said.

"Good morning,"Aashima said.

"Are you hungry?"I asked.

She nodded.

"Okay, let's go,"I said.

"Sain, wait up!!" Bhabi said.

"Ya?" I questioned.

"I'm taking the girls out to breakfast,"she said.

"Oh okay,"I said.

"Is it fine?" She asked.

"Of course,"I replied.

They all left and I went as well. I thought about what I was going to do for a bit. It's not like it's going to matter to her. If she can lie to Shehry about it, then it's probably been going on for a while.

You can't even hate me for this Arya, I thought to myself as I walked inside.

I went and asked for the person I needed.

"Hussain right?" She asked.

"Correct,"I said.

"What do you possibly need from me?" Natasha questioned.

"I need help,"I said.

"Why should I help you?" She questioned.

"I have a reason,"I said.

"Alright, I guess I can be nice once in my life,"she said and I noticed Arya and Nida walk out.

"What do you need?"Natasha asked.

"This,"I said putting my arms around her and kissing her.

I pulled back after a few seconds and noticed the other girls were gone.

"What the heck? In case you forgot, your married!" Natasha said.

Okay, now I'm shocked.

"What the..?"I questioned.

"Arya's right! You are crazy!!" She said.

"You two don't get along,"I said.

"Used to. I stopped being a b*tch to her recently when I heard what happen. I can't believe you. Your such a jerk!! I swear if she finds out, I won't hesitate to show a security camera footage,"she said.

"What happen?"I questioned.

"You should know,"she said.

"I don't,"I said.

"Your such an awful husband. After getting to know Arya for a bit, I'm going to say, that she deserves someone so much better than you,"she said and left.

I felt like I was slapped across the face.

Just wait til you get home Sain.

---Arya's POV--

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