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Chapter 3 (Scarlett's room)


 Hour later


  Aaron led me down a long hallway after he completely untapped me. We kept going until we were facing a mirror like door. The door was beautiful, but a little mysterious looking. Aaron opens the door slowly making the moment dramatic. Plus I think he was trying to make me guess what is on the other side. He always had a thing for stupid games. 

 Aaron holds the door open for me to walk in first. If I walk in first he could shut and lock the door. Then I would be stuck here with no way out. The thought of that was just too much for a girl like me to handle. I stare at Aaron wary of his possible intentions. "What is in that room, master?" I almost forgot that I have to call him master. Aaron raises his eyebrow at me, challenging me to go into the room. Part of me told me no don't go in, but I just couldn't let him win a challenge. 

  I walk through the door way. I was expecting something horrible and disgusting. What I Wasn't expecting was a magically beautiful room. It's essential that my mouth dropped to the ground. Aaron made my dream room. The walls are a cute purple and black and there are a few pictures lined up on the walls. The bed is large and had black blankets and a white pillow on it. I run into the room towards the giant window. Looking out the window I could see the whole town.

  "Like the room?" I heard Aaron's voice from the door way. I nod my head as response. I'm too speechless to say a word right now and I hatedmyself for it. Hated myself for liking anything he makes me. 

 The sound of footsteps came towards me. Making me stand completely still. "This is your room," Aaron's hot breath on my neck knocked me out of my trance. He stands so close to me and makes me feel uncomfortable. I turn around then take a big step back. When I look at Aaron he is frowning, "I know what I did was unforgivable, but I hope you could at least let me befriend you." And with that he walks out of the room. Leaving me alone with my heart aching for him. 

  I plop on the bed only to quickly learn it is a water bed. I giggle quietly as the water flowed in the bed. Admittedly the bed was very comfortable. I lay on the bed for several minutes with out a single worry in this world. I was at peace until a realization came tumbling onto me. I was becoming aware that Aaron has no intention on ever letting me go. He wants me to stay here with him. And do what, Stabilize his horrific fantasy? I honestly don't know how I feel about all this.

 Reluctantly I make myself get off of the comfy bed. I move over the the other side of the room to look through my new stuff I got. First I check all the movies Aaron decided to get me. I drop dead in my tracks because the first movie I see is none other than Peter Pan. My breathing hitches of course he would get that movie. I shake my head at his way of life.

 I get tapped gently on the shoulder. I look behind me and saw Aaron smiling holding a rectangular box. "What?" I ask a little curious. He sits on the ground next to me. Then he places the box onto my lap. I tear the lid open and see so many little puzzle pieces.  I turn my head to look at Aaron again, "what puzzle is this?" I ask. "You'll have to put it together with me to find out!" He said excitedly. In fact he'd so happy about befriending me he didn't notice that I didn't call him master.

  I fake a little smile at him, "I guess we better get started then." I dump all the pieces onto the ground in between us. Aaron is smiling from ear to ear. For whatever reason I kind of liked his smile. I start dividing the puzzle pieces. I put the edge pieces in the top part of the box. And the non-edge pieces in the bottom part of the box. Aaron took the top part of the box and started piecing together the puzzle pieces. He is surprisingly fast at this. Well he most likely did this exact puzzle millions of times. I hid my real smile at the thought of Aaron acting like a real boy. 

 "Do you like puzzles?" Aaron suddenly asks. I'm a little startled by that question. "No," I tell him and watch as his smile designates. A ping of sadness sinks to the bottom of my stomach. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but I think puzzles are to childish for me. Hasn't he noticed that I want to grow up? "Why?" Aaron asks me. I could see in his eyes that he was hoping for me not to say that I want to grow up. My fake smile is completely gone, "I think puzzles are for kids."  

 "Your still a kid, Scar- Wendy" he tells me. Did he really almost call me by my real name?  "No I'm not Aaron," I said coldly. "But you are! Your not even eighteen!" He snapped at me. I get up off the floor, "leave, Aaron!" He doesn't move. Actually I think he's even more pissed. Oops I forgot to call him master. "Leave Master!" I yell at him. He's beyond angry now, but decides to do a smart thing for once and walks out the room and closes the door. Wait, he stomped out and slammed the door then locked the door. 

 I could clearly  hear him stumping his feet in the hall way like a little boy. Why do I feel like he's acting like a little boy to make me mad?  "Why don't you just remember the good old days!" He yells on the other side of the door. I glare at the door pretending the door is Aaron. "I left them days a long time ago," I mutter, but I know he still hard me. I heard the sound of footsteps decreasing and soon I couldn't hear the steps anymore. 

 Back flash 


6 years ago


  Scarlett runs to the movie counter to search for a new movie to watch. She pulls out five movies; wonderland, sleeping beauty, Cinderella,  robinhood, and Peter Pan. I've watched wonderland and Cinderella to many times, Scarlett thinks to herself. And she also watched sleeping beauty way to many times to count. She sighs to herself in complete frustration. 

  "Scarlett, let's watch Peter Pan!" Aaron says. Scarlett smiles her chubby cheeks at him. Then she picks up the move Peter Pan. "What's it  about?"  She asks Aaron. "A boy who never grows up and a bunch of other kids called lost boys. Oh and there's a bad guy Hook. mean and...ugly..."  Aaron stops for a breath of air before rushing his words out again. "Hook is and ugly guy who Peter Pan teases. Then there's Wendy! She's super pretty!" Aaron finally finishes. Scarlett giggles, "okay. Peter Pan it is." 

  After the movie Scarlett and Aaron stated talking about how awesome Peter is and Wendy. "Wendy is pretty. Like you, Scarlett. I'll start calling you Wendy!" Aaron tells Scarlett. Scarlett just laughs thinking that Aaron is her best friend. "Whatever floats your boat buddy," she tells him. Aaron suddenly stands up on the brown and white couch. He spends his arms bird style. "If I think happy thoughts I can fly to Neverland!" Aaron shouts. He makes a big jump and lands smoothly on the ground. "See that Wendy?! I flew!" Aaron did a fist pump to the air. 

  Aaron notices Scarlett looking at the ground why tears in her eyes. He rushes to her and wraps his arms around her. "Why are you sad, Scarlett?" He used her name because he didn't want to recognise her as Wendy he wanted her to be Scarlett. Scarlett rubs her eyes with her hand before speaking, "sorry. I just wish we could go to Neverland together." A few more tears fell onto her cheeks. Aaron's eyes softens, "we will if we both believe." Scarlett smiles sadly at him, "I believe in you Peter."

End of back flash

 I plop onto the water bed and stare at the ceiling. Trying to think of what went wrong. Me and Aaron used to be the bestest of friends. We played with puzzles, watched movies, and even played in the mud together. But it all ended six years ago. When we both fell in love with the movie Peter Pan. "I miss you Aaron," I whisper before slowly closing my eyes to sleep.

Kidnapped by Mr. CrazyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα