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  I'm dragged to an unknown room. This must be the basement. Oh, what is he going to do to me in here? He shoves me down onto a chair. I try to get up, but he's already duck taping me to the chair. This is it I'm going to die and I'm not even sure if anyone is looking for me. A tear escapes my eyes. 

  "Say you love me!" Aaron yells. 

  I glare at him, and say nothing. His hand connected with my right cheek, leaving pain. That's going to leave a mark, I think to myself. His hand comes up and slaps me again. I'm not going to tell this jerk that I love him. Even if he slaps me all day. But I will tell him that I hate him. "You love me!" He growled. Lair. 

  "No, I don't," I say very coldly. If he wants me to tell him I love him then I'd have to kill him. That isn't that bad of an idea. I kind of like the sound of him dead. Just like that my heart stopped. It's a lie I can't kill him, deep down I still care. "Wrong answer," he smiles darkly down at me. He slides his hands under my shirt and starts touching my stomach.

  "Okay, okay. I. Hate. You!" I yell and start wiggling in my chair. My chair falls, giving me a huge headache. Aaron stands over me. To think he would help me, but no. Instead he grabs my hair to pull me back up. I let out a strangled scream. Aaron laughs while reaching into his pocket. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see that kind of torture I'd have to face. 

  "Open your eyes!" I don't. I feel something sharp glide across my left cheek. " p-please st-stop!" I cry out. My heart pounds as he digs the unknown object deeper into my skin. For the first time this week my mind goes completely blank. I start scraping at the tape with my nails. I don't think Aaron would notice if I was trying to free myself. He's too busy insulting and harassing me. Lucky my nail breaks through the tape.

  I struggle to hind the smile creeping up on my face. I break my hands a part. Then open my eyes to see if he noticed what I just accomplished. To my advantage he didn't. I bring my nails to my wrist. It's hard to do, but I've been growing out my nails for a whole week. Back then I was doing it to use my nails as a weapon. 

  As soon as I broke my wrists a part I slam my hand across his face. See how he likes being slapped and punched. Wow, he didn't like it very much, so surprising. Note my sarcasm. Then I start working on my ankle. Aaron's hand came into view. The pain was almost unbearable. Almost. 

  I lift my feet up with enough force to snap the duck tape. "Shit," Aaron hisses. I started running for the stairs, but he took my arm and threw me to the ground. He's really starting to get annoying. He grabs a knife that was laying beside him. That must of been the object he was torturing me with. I leap over and try to take the knife from him before he could hurt me with it.

  "Why can't you love me? Scarlett?" I froze. He said it. He. Just. Said. My. Name. 

"I'm sorry but I don't date boys, I date men," I tell him. My eyes are probably sending daggers his way. And I'm surprised that my glares haven't killed him yet. Except, I don't want him dead. He may be mean and he's obviously unstable, but there was a time I called him a friend. As much as I hate this, I know I need to help him. 

  But now was not the time. Aaron still has the bloody knife. If only I could get it out of his unstable hands... I can. If I could get myself to tell him 'i love you' with out stuttering. Sadly I don't think I would be able to say that believably. 

  I try again to get the knife from him. "I've always loved you, Scarlett!" He yelled. He is trying to look tough, but I can see the tears are ready to drop. I stop struggling ageist him. I've haven't seen the real Aaron I used to know six years ago. That Aaron left and was replaced by Peter. Maybe he'll come back... no he won't.  "No you don't love me! I don't love you, Peter" I was so mad at Peter that I don't notice what I'm about to do, "I love Aaron!" 

  Time seemed to slow down. Did I really mean that? This can't be true... but it is true. I can't let myself hind from the fact that I loved Aaron. But Peter had killed him. 

  The knife drops from his hands. I reach over and pick it up. Peter/Aaron was staring at me with wide eyes. And just like that the tears began to fall. "Leave me," he sobbed. I nod my head to leave. I had gotten out of my punishment. Yet I also let go of a feeling I've been hiding for a very long time. Give years to be exact. 

  I run up the stairs. Then down the hall to my bed room. I try to let go of that feeling I had in the   basement. But how can I? I'm still working on convincing myself that Aaron is dead and never coming back, that's what I've told myself for so long, but it's not working. Because there was evidence that Aaron was not completely gone. Only Aaron would call me by my real name. And Peter did day 'I've always loved you, Scarlett!'. 

  I plop onto my bed. It's going to be a very long night. There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep after what happened to me. Now I have two missions; one: save Aaron from himself. He's letting his madness take over. If I could just get him to listen...? two: escape. Hopefully by time I save Aaron there will be no need to escape. He would let me go if he truly loves me.

I close my eyes,

Beginning of Flash Back, five years ago.

  Scarlett knocks on Aaron's door. The door opens awfully fast. "Wendy!" Aaron yelled. He's been calling Scarlett that a lot lately and it was starting to hurt her. Am I his friend or is Wendy his friend? She thinks to herself. Aaron runs to her and hugs her tightly. Looking at his face Scarlett could see how big his smile is. "Aren't you happy to see me?" He asks.

  Of course she's happy to see him. But something wasn't quiet right about how he's been acting. It's almost like he isn't himself anyone. "Yeah, I'm happy," Scarlett tells him with false happiness. She hopes he doesn't see her doubt. To her amazement he didn't notice.  Then something horrible came crashing down on her; he didn't notice her.

   Aaron would always no if she a faking being happy. But this Aaron wannabe didn't notice her distress. "Where's Aaron?" She demands him. "Right here, Wendy." Scarlett puts her hand up, " I'm Scarlett and I'm leaving."

  Scarlett runs home her heart is broken. Aaron is gone and he's never coming back, she kept telling herself. Peter pan killed him and she could never forgive that.

End of Flash Back

"Aaron," Scarlett whispers into her pillow.

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