Movie Night

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  Peter made a new rule once a week we will have movie night. It sounds to normal to be true. It's almost like Aaron is starting to resurface. Peter doesn't call me 'Wendy' anymore. I'm grateful for that. I was sick of being Wendy instead of being Scarlett, but now I'm scarlet again. 

  "What movie are we watching?" Jason and I ask in union. I giggle. We've been doing that a lot lately. Saying the exact same thing at the exact same time. It's a little funny how Peter reacts to that. He yells at us and if you ask me he seems jealous. So it is true that he really does like me. For some reason that makes me really happy.

"We're watching Peter Pan!" Peter Pan announced.

  Okay, so my happy mood just plummeted. Bye bye happy me, I think to myself. "No!" I accidentally yelp. Peter looks at me confused. "Why not, Scarlett?" My breath becomes hesitant because he just said my real name. It's still hard to believe he calls me by my real name. "Because I've seen that movie so much!" I complain. 

  I bet you will not believe what he did.... go ahead, guess what he did. You got it! He started laughing at me! And it was a real laugh that a non-crazy person does. 

"How about Jurassic World?" He asks. My mouth must be hanging wide open. What happened to the Peter I'm used to talking to? Because this guy is not him. This guy is some kind of imposter! Peter would never watch anything other than Disney stuff. This movie he wants to watch is obviously not a Disney movie.

  "Are you sure?" I ask shyly.

"Yeah," he says very confidently.

"Have you even seen Jurassic Park?" It's a good question.

Peter is quite for a few seconds, "no..."

"Then why do you want to watch Jurassic World?" I ask.

"Because it's something different." He continues, "let's just watch the movie, okay?"

I stop questioning him and walk over to the movie counter. Does he even have that movie? My question is soon answered. "He had me go buy it," I heard Jason say. Wait if he knew what we are watching why did he ask? Oh, whatever. I walk over to Jasonto take the movie. I take the movie from Jason and start the movie. 

Now the movie shall begin!

~After movie is done~

"Get off of me!" I yell at Aaron. He smirks at me triumphantly, causing me to glare back at him. I struggle getting out from under him. But anyone could guess that he is way more stronger than me so I obviously couldn't get away. Isn't that the cold hard truth? Please note my sarcasm.

So your probably confused! Let's rewind!

"Raptor's are better then T-Rex's!" I yell at them them. We've been arguing about which dinosaur is better. Aaron and Jason both think that the T-Rex is the best. Isn't it's brain the size of a walnut? While a raptor is a very smart dinosaur. Raptor's could outsmart any T-Rex that comes their way. 

Jason snorts. "Your full of it," he sneers, but not in a mean way. "Yeah," Aaron agrees. I roll my eyes at the two idiots. They're probably dumber than a T-Rex. 

"No, you both are full of it," I tell them.

They both laugh at me. I cross my arms over my chest. "Just agree that the T-Rex is better!" They say in union. Since when do they talk at the same time? Should I be having a complicated talk with the two of them? Because this is just plain weird. 

"Never!" I saystubbornly. Aaron laughs, "you'll regret that."

Suddenly Aaron pushed me to the ground. I gasp as he lands on top of me, smiling. "Get off!" I hiss at him. Aaron just laughs at my reaction. Making a blush creep onto my face. "Not until you say the T-Rex is better!" He says smugly. 

"Get off of me!" I yell. He smirks at me triumphantly, causing me to glare at him. I struggle getting out from under him. But anyone could guess that he's way more stronger than me so I obviously couldn't get away. Isn't that the cold hard truth? Note my sarcasm. 

 "Jason help me!" But noooo, he just laughed at me. Traitor! It's because of me he was even let into this house. If this is how he repays  the people that help him then I don't want to help him. That might be childish, but I don't care! 

  Why did I even run away from being a child? This life is so much fun! I've finally decided that I don't really want to grow up yet. I want to have fun life this ask the time.

"Fine! T-Rex is better!" I snap. Aaron grins and gets off of me. As if I really meant that. *eye roll* he needs to learn when people are lying. I giggle lightly. "Why are you giggling?" Jason and Aaron ask in union. Seriously? They're still doing that? "Oh, nothing," I replied sheepishly. "I've known you for a long time. I know when your heavy in thought," Aaron again in a matter-of-fact voice. 

  He really has changed to back into Aaron. Tears started flowing down my cheeks like a river. Aaron looks at me worryingly. Making my tears come faster and more heavy. "I'm fine," I try to reassure him. Aaron still looks at me worryingly. I smile sadly. 

"Can we go on a date?" I ask.

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