Arrested, but escaped!

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   Whoa, what a turn of events. It turns out I didn't hurt that cop hard enough. I know that because he caught up to us and stole Miracle. I fall onto my knees. I had failed Miracle, and I'm getting him back! It's final that as soon as Aaron and I escape I'm getting Miracle. Even if Aaron doesn't want me to get a meerkat.

  "So... what's the plan?" I ask him. No answer. Apparently he is giving me the silent treatment. I didn't know getting us arrested would get him mad. I mean, he kidnapped me! Well two can play at that game. I walk over to another guy in the cell we are all sharing. He's kind of cute, which helps with my brilliant plan. 

"Hey, I'm Scarlett," I say while twisting my hair flirtatiously. 

"Hey, I'm Jason. How did a pretty girl like you get arrested?" He smiles.

"Oh, that... well... I kind of stole a meerkat," I flush sheepishly.  

  Jason laughs, and I laugh too. It is kind of funny in a weird way. I've never heard of anyone else getting arrested for stealing a meerkat. "Why don't you sit by me?" I nod. Even though he is a little bit creepy. I'm only doing this to get Aaron's attention. "So, do you have a girl-" 

"SCARLETT!" Aaron yells. I mentally do the happy dance in my weird head. I whip my head in his direction, not moving from my seat. Then I look back at Jason, "don't worry about him. He's just the reason I got caught." Jason turns his head to look at Aaron. Jason shakes his head disapproving. For a moment I'm scared he found out what I was doing. 

  Suddenly Jason starts laughing. "You let him help you?" He asks unbelievably. I shake my head. Of course I didn't, but he was the reason we got caught. If only he punched the guy in the face when I asked him... it's all his fault! He's the reason I lost Miracle. It'll be a miracle if I'm able to get my meerkat back.

  "No, but he was still no help," I say innocently. 

"If I was there I would of helped ya!" Jason told me excitedly.

" Oh that's so sweet! If you don't have a girlfri-" 

"SCARLETT!" Aaron growls. I smile at him. He's really bad at giving someone the silent treatment. I'm not even talking to him and he yells at me. That's just a little rude. Not that what I am doing is any better. 

  For the first time in a long time I'm having fun. And Aaron is not going to ruin that for me. Wait, is it Aaron our Peter? He has started calling me Scarlett... could that mean he's cured?Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk, no I don't think he's cured. I think he's just becoming controlling.  

  Jason snaps his neck in Aaron's direction. "Do you have a problem with her talking to me?" He challenges. I reach out to calm Jason down. But that only gets Aaron even more mad at me. "Yeah, I do!" Aaron snapped. Jealous much? Aaron crosses his arms over his chest. I think he's trying to seem tough, but he just looks childish. In a cute way.

  Jason shrugs my hands off his shoulders. Then he gets up to face Aaron. If they get into a fist fight it's clear who would win... Jason. Jason grabs Aaron's shirt and picks him up. I thought that only happens in movies. "Now you listen to me, boy. She will talk to me if she wants," he growls. 

   This is entertaining and all, but I need to stop this. You know before they start a fist fight. Rushing over to them, I step in between them. "I think you both need to calm down!" I ordered. They both look at me with shock. What? Can't a girl be brave enough to step in between two idiots? Evidently not. But honestly I don't really care at the moment.

  They step away from each other. But now they've started some kind of staring fight. Neither of them look away, and they both have a mean glare.

  I just can't believe I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots! When  Miracle could be out there somewhere stuck in side of a cage. Like some kinda caged animal... okay so Miracle is a animal. Still, I'm mad at that stupid kid zoo. It's not that interesting anyway! 

  "I don't know about you to, but I want to escape," I tell them. Causing them to stop their starting fight. For a few minutes they just stare at me, like I'm some kind of meat. Or they are still having a hard time understanding that I don't like playing around. After all, I have a life to live! Their lives might suck, but mine just got a whole lot more interesting. And these clowns are wasting my time. 

  Aaron is the first to speak, " Yeah." Jason just nods his head. Great, now we're a team of three. That way there's a better chance of getting out of this place! "I have a friend here. He would let us go," Jason tells me. Pretending Aaron isn't here. I run up and give him a big hug. What? I'm still having fun. Plus I think Jason would be a good friend, and not be a bad influence.


 Two long hours later...


"Your here again?" A average guy asks Jason.

"Yeah. Could you help me and my new friends escape?" He asks

"No problem."

"Thanks, Tanner!" 

The guy unlocks or jail cell. Then jesters for us to get out. We obey, and follow him down the hall. He leads us to a room full of chairs. The main lobby. 

"Wait here," tanner tells us. 


Five boring minutes later


"Your free to go," tanner tells us. 

When we walk out of the jail place we all let out relieved sighs. Looking to my left side I saw Jason grinning ear to ear. I look at himsuspiciously. Why isn't be leaving yet? My question is soon answered, "since I helped you both now you two owe me." How unsurprising... there's always a catch.

"What?" Aaron asks.

"I'm staying with you two!" I smile. Finally I get to talk to someone other than Aaron for the rest of my life!


This chapter is a little short, sorry.

The top picture is Jason.

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