Chapter One

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“Hello? Is anyone there?” You hear out of the darkness. Someone has found your hide out, a small warehouse in the woods. Probably not the safest place, but no one ever comes here. Until now.

            “Who is there? Are you going to kill me?” They are still in the dark so you can’t tell what gender they are.

            Laughing, you reply. ”No, I won’t kill you.”

            “Anything to harm me?” They ask timidly.

            “No. I promise.”

            “Oh, okay.” She says, calming down, “I know this is weird, but do you mind if I talk to you? I need to get something out.”


            “Great! So today at school, I was ambushed by a bunch of ex-friends. They all became jerks and take every chance they can to hurt me. Usually I don’t care, but before we became enemies, I told them a lot of secrets. Really embarrassing secrets. And guess what they did. They started teasing me about them, in front of everyone. Unfortunately a lot of my secrets made my new friends hate me. Now, I’m friendless, and just wishing for one person who doesn’t hate me.”

            “I’m sure everyone doesn’t hate you. “ You say, trying to comfort them.

            “I’m pretty sure they do though. Everyone was giving me dirty looks and calling me names the rest of the day. I’m pretty sure they hate me.”

            “I bet they are just scared of getting hurt or teased. Someone will probably step forward soon.”

            “I guess.” They say, still really sad. “Well enough about me. My first question may sound awkward, but do you like boys or girls. You know just to get to know better and what not.”

Girls(Chapter Two)

Boys(Chapter Three)

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