Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

            As a awkward silence over comes the both of you, her hand reaches to the radio. Turning the knob until it lands on your favorite radio station. A pop song you’ve never heard before comes on and Harper starts humming along. After the same lyric gets repeated ten times it finally changes.

            This time it’s your turn to hum along. Harper looks over at you and smirks. Then the chorus comes on and you can’t help but sing along. After a couple verses of your terrible singing Harper joins in and you sing through the rest of the car ride.

            When you finally arrive at the house it’s seem empty and there are no cars in the drive way.

            “Shoot. I forgot. The twins are at a soccer game. They won’t be back for an hour to two.”


            “You can stay here if you want. Wait for them.”

            “Yea. Sure.”

            “If you don’t want to-“

            “No. I do, I just have to go in like three hours.”

            Studying her she seems to be worried. Maybe she doesn’t want to be alone with you. Maybe she is scared of you. You think.

            “Are we going inside?”

            “Oh. Yea sorry.”

            Once inside Harper looks around.

            “Nice place.”

            “Thanks. Would you like to go up to my room?”

            Blushing she nods.

            Your room is covered with bands you like on the walls and dirty clothes on the floor. Side stepping a box of pizza you make it to your surprisingly clean bed.

            “You want to play truth or dare?” You ask.

            “Yea sure. You go first.”

            “Okay. Truth or dare?’


            “Bold are we.” You say smirking. “I dare you to… eat one of the old pizza slices.”

            “Oh gross.”

            “Come on. Are you scared?”


            “Then it shouldn’t be a problem Harper. Or should I call you chicken?”

            With that she walks over to the pizza box takes out a piece and bites into it. After chewing thoroughly she swallows and smiles.

            “It’s really good actually.”

            “What? Give me that.” Grabbing the slice form her and taking bite quickly. She starts laughing and too late you realize why. She was messing with you. It was absolutely discussing.

            “You are a cruel, cruel person.”

            After a couple minutes she is still laughing so you throw your pillow at her.

            “So we are playing like are we?” She asks. Then grabs a shirt at starts hitting me with it.

            After five minutes of us throwing things at each other we collapse on the bed still laughing.

            “I so totally won.”

            “No you didn’t.”

            Propping her self on her elbow she looks at you with a stern look  and says “Yes I did. Just because you are a sore loser…”

            “I am NOT a sore loser.” You say propping yourself up to.

            “Are to.” She sings.

            “Are not!”

            “Are to!”

            “Are not!”

            “Are to!”

            “Are not!”

            “Are to.” She basically whispers both of us noticing how close we are. “Hey Alex.”


            “Truth or dare.”


            “Are you going to kiss me?”

            Your eyes flicker down to her lips.


Go to Epilogue Two

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