Chapter Twelve

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Rushing into the hospital you barely notice all the people yelling at  you to slow down.

            “Whoa there. Slow down.” It’s your mom.

            “Where are they? Are they ok?”

            “Your dad’s fine just a couple bruises. But your brother is still under the influence of the painkillers and other drugs they gave him before surgery. Besides that he is okay though.”

            “Oh thank goodness. Where is the other driver? I would like to talk to him.”

            “Oh he is in the hall outside the room. Be nice. I don’t think he realized what be was doing.”

            “Okay. I’ll be nice.” Not. You think. He almost killed my brother.

            As you walk through the halls you start to hate white. White is supposed to represent purity but these walls seem to want everything you have to be dead. You feel like they keep reminding you that your brother could die any second.

            “Alex?” You hear. Looking up from the floor Peter is standing outside the room your brother is supposed to be in. “What are you doing here?”

            “What are you doing here?” He looks down at his feet.

            “I ran a light and was speeding and hit someone. Their son is in there. I thought I would wait so I could apologize and make sure he was okay.”

            “YOU HIT THEM?” you screech.

            “What? You know them?”

            “That’s my brother in there.”

            “Oh my gosh. I am so sorry! I didn’t know! I’m so sorry!”

            “I can’t believe this.”

Forgive him(Chapter Fifteen)

Yell at him(Chapter Sixteen)

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