Chapter Fifteen

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You’re on the verge of tears now. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to. I’m just really scared.” You start bawling.

            He comes over and hugs you. Hot tears rolling down both of your faces.

            “I’m really sorry.” He says. “I really like you and I don’t want to hurt you or-“

            “Wait what?”

            “Shoot.” He says under his breath. “I- I like you. I wanted to tell you earlier but I chickened out. Please forgive-”

            “You don’t let him finish. Just grab him and hug him until all your tears are gone then say simply. “I like you too.” Your smile now is as wide as the Grand Canyon and so is his.

Go to Epilogue Two

Choose Your Own Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora