Chapter Three

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They step out of the farther out of the shadows and you can see their short brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes. It is now obvious they are male, and very good-looking.

            “Hi. I’m a… Peter.” He said cautiously. “Sorry about my outburst before.”

            “It’s fine. I’m Alex by the way.” He looks so cute and shy. “Are you okay? You looked really upset earlier.”

            “Yea, I’m fine. Just had a break down. I’m fine now.” Peter replies reassuringly. You can’t help but think maybe he’s trying to convince himself more than you.

            “Well I’m glad.” As you smile, you realize he has no idea what to say. “You said something about your family earlier, want to talk about it?” asking the first thing that comes to mind, but soon realize your mistake.

            “Oh, well I have a little sister, and she’s the sweetest little thing in the world, but my dad has convinced her, that- that I’m a monster. My dad hates me for blaming him for my mother’s death. She died in a car accident. He was driving, drunk.”

            “He never forgave me for blaming him. I tried to apologize, that when I did that I was in a bad place, not sure what was happening, but- he never forgave me. Always avoiding me and ignoring my existence. But the worst blow was telling my sister I was a monster. Now, every time she sees she runs for the hills. I don’t know what to do.”

            Sighing, he looks back up. “What about you? I always feel like we end up talking about me.”

Siblings(Chapter Seven)

None(Chapter Eight)

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