Chapter Thirteen

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“YES! I mean. Uh. Sure, you know. Whatever.” Way to be cool.

            “Really?! I mean. You know. Cool. Whatever.” He is excited!

            “Yea. Great. Cool. Whatever. Not like I have anything better to do.” I. Am. So. Stupid.

            “Yea. You know. Same.” Great. Look what you did you idiot.

            “Cool. So when?”

            “Oh. Uh. Anytime. You know. Whatever.” Okay I know I started it but if one of us says ‘whatever’ one more time I am going to kill someone.

            “Yea. Whatever.” I can’t believe I just did that. I am so stupid. Idiot.

            “How about tomorrow?”

            “Yea. Sure.”

            “I’ll pick you up at around 12?”

            “Yea whatever.” Seriously? Again? Why oh why did I keep doing that?

            “Great. So. Um. Bye?”

            “Bye. See you tomorrow.”

Go to Epilogue Two

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