Chapter Seven

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“Well, I have a younger brother. He is always a pain in my but though; stealing my things, and sneaking worms into my food.” Shivering from the memory you continue on. “I seriously want him dead sometimes, but I have to love him and I do. If anyone ever hurt him, think I might have to cut their head off.” you joke.

            “Well then.” He says. “You are quite the violent one, aren’t you.” He says with a wink. You feel like you will just die right then and there. HE WINKED AT ME! HE WINKED AT ME! You can’t help but want to jump around and around until you die.

            “Well I have to go. See you later maybe?”


            As you’re walking out the door, you feel this gaze lingering on you.

After walking about three miles, you just stop and scream. Peter was so cute and OMG! SO SWEET! AHHHHHHH!

            After you get all the excitement out you continue on for two more miles you are finally home.

            “HEY! I’M HOME!” Weird, no response. “HELLO? ANYONE HOME?” As you walk into the kitchen there is a note.

            “Hey Alex. Couldn’t get a hold of you. Your dad and brother got into a car accident at around 3:45. I’m at the hospital. Come as soon as you get this.



            Checking you watch it says 3:50. I’m not that far behind them.

            Running to the car you take your phone out. It was off! How could I forget to turn it on! Stupid!


Listen to messages(Chapter Eleven)

Check messages later(Chapter Twelve)

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