We Meet Again...

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Woohoo! My boss let me off three hours early. So I used that extra time to write this. I hope that this chapter makes up for the previous, seemingly rushed chapters.

It was finally the first day of the term. Technically, it wasn't the first day, but it was the day the students arrived. There were only a few more first years to be sorted before the Welcoming Feast began.

First years were not a concern for Agnes. Magical Theory was for third years and up. All the same, Agnes clapped along with the Slytherins when a new House member was sorted in. She ignored the looks from McGonagall to her left. She knew she was being prejudice, but oh well. Minerva had no room to glare; when there was a Gryffindor gained, Agnes had caught her smiling with pride on several occasions. Hypocrite, Agnes smiled as she thought to herself.

When the last sorted student was seated, Dumbledore stood at the podium. The Golden Owl's wings mimicked the sound of two swords sliding against one another as it spread its feathers. The Great Hall hushed into an anxious silence. Dumbledore paused, ensuring he had everyone's undivided attention. Agnes couldn't help but periodically glance to the empty seat to her right in curiosity.

"Welcome, to you first years, to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Welcome back to the rest of you." Dumbledore paused and smiled out to the student body.

"It is always a great pleasure to look out to all of you students. You all have your own ambitions and dreams. The caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you to please be respectful and not to be dallying about. So, I asked you all to please be respectful. I would also like each and every one of you to join me in welcoming our newest staff member, Professor Agnes Blackwood."

Agnes looked out to all of the Hogwarts students. All of their eyes were on her. She nervously smiled to the crowd. McGonagall nudged Agnes in her side. Dumbledore was gesturing for her to stand. Agnes obliged with hesitance. "Professor Blackwood will be filling in the position of teaching Magical Theory. Please greet her warmly."

Agnes shyly waved as the students clapped out of courtesy. Dumbledore raised his palm. When the clapping slowed, Agnes retook her seat. She was relieved to be out of the spotlight.

"To put a close on things, I'd like to wish you all a very productive and successful year. Let the feast commence." With the wave of his hand, vast amounts of food appeared on all four House's tables. Agnes couldn't help but smile when she heard the gasps of the first years. She remembered having the same reaction her own first year at Hogwarts.

Agnes began to fill her own plate with the delicious food. She couldn't remember the last good meal she'd had. Through the chattering of the many students, Agnes almost didn't hear the door of the staffs' entrance open.

"Ah, Severus," Dumbledore said between bites of his own food. "So nice of you to join us."

"My apologies Head-" Severus froze in his speech. Agnes looked up from her plate and stiffened just as much as Severus. They both locked eyes in a tension filled silence. "... master." Their eyes remained in their gaze as the Headmaster spoke.

"Won't you enjoy the festivities, Severus? The house elves have really outdone themselves this year with the roast pheasant."

Severus broke away from the staring contest to find an available seat. Unfortunately, that was by Agnes' side. With a scowl of obvious displeasure, Severus took his apparent new seat. He didn't even reach for any of the food before them.

"You have some nerve... here... of all places," Severus whispered with malice into Agnes' ear. "Why don't you crawl back into your hole where despicable snakes belong?"

Agnes sighed and shook her head before answering. "And you, Severus? You have room to speak with such disdain? Aren't we alike, here?" Severus internally flinched, but not enough for anyone to notice. "You are just as much a Slytherin as I, darling."

"Don't... call me that," Severus growled.

Agnes merely shrugged. "As you wish. Won't you eat, Snape? You don't want the house elves' work and efforts to go to waste."

Snape growled, but began to pick and choose what he wanted. Picky, isn't he? Agnes mentally laughed. As if sensing being made a mockery, Snape grumbled under his breath, "Don't think this discussion is over..."

Agnes rolled her eyes, but returned to eating her food. It was not long after that dessert was served, and Dumbledore was sending the students to their House Common Rooms.

Red-orange flecks were smashed. Grey-white wafts of smoke crawled from the smoldering cherry under the cigarette butt. Agnes sighed and set the ashtray aside on the bedside table. She couldn't sleep. Her reunion with Severus Snape replayed within her thoughts; along with several other memories. Knowing her attempt of forgetting and running away would only prove futile, Agnes opted for a walk. Maybe the damp dungeons would calm her like those many years ago.

Agnes grabbed a cloak and made sure she had her wand in her inner pocket. She embraced the burning chill of the dungeons' air into her lungs. Oh how she'd missed their smell. It comforted her.

On she walked. Agnes eventually had made her way out of the dungeons. She had to admit that it did feel strange to walk Hogwarts' halls after curfew with the security that there weren't any teachers that would punish her. Hell, she was a teacher! That was strange in itself. Considering...

Agnes immediately pushed those thoughts away. That was the purpose of this moonlit walk. Maybe I should go see Albus? Agnes asked herself. He did say to speak to him if I ever felt... burdened. I doubt he'd be awake, however now's a good a time as any. There will be lessons starting tomorrow...

With those thoughts in mind, Agnes headed to the Headmaster's office in hopes that he would be awake. It was challenging remembering the way to the statue guarding the Headmaster's office in the dark, but she managed in the end. As Agnes was about to whisper the password, she heard a pair of footsteps in the other corridor. One set was rhythmic and slow. The other was quick, as though they were pulsing with determination. Then they both just... stopped.

"Headmaster, I advise you to see reason!"

"As you have previously said, Severus."

"Then Headmaster, you must understand that that... woman... cannot be trusted. She's-"

"Enough, Severus. Miss Blackwood came to me asking for employment. Simultaneously, though subconscious, asking for protection. I will not deny her that security. I am well aware of her past... accommodations; however, she has confessed and wishes a chance. I understand your concerns, Severus, and I shall keep them in mind. Though, I would have thought you would have been the one to understand Miss Blackwood's situation."

"Headmaster, I know her kind! I can assure you Miss Blackwood is no doubt, to the core-"

Agnes couldn't hear any more. She turned to walk to the other end of the hall. It was the long way back, but Agnes didn't mind. It gave her more time to herself. Thanks to Severus-fucking-Snape, it was all coming back once again. The screaming and the pleading. The memory of the tears that had stained her cheeks. Seeing them all, one by one, become overwhelmed in convulsions.

All of which she will permanently blame herself for.

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