Joke Heal Wounds A Fred Weasley One Shot

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Its really short & Simple

"I HATE YOU!" you cried running away.

This was the freaking hundredth time someone just thought you were you sister and tried to sleep with you. Fuck this all why do I have to be a god damn twin! You yelled angrily in your head. Everyone always tried to take advantage of you sweet side not many people got sees that side. You stomped your way to the Black Lake pushing anyone in your way you were really pissed!

You made your way to the lake and sat down at the edge. You started to throw rocks into the lake you partially smashed them into the lake. Your anger was getting the better of you and you couldn't think straight you let your stupid emotions run away with you. You let your self be compete fool and almost destroyed your world. You promised your self you wouldn't be like your sister. Your sister is what you call a whore because she had a different guy everyday with her. Everyone seemed to mix you up with her and then tried to get you alone.

You were truly pissed why couldn't the whole world leave you alone what had you done to deserve this from people. You kept to your self, never pried into others business, and you never every said anything to anyone unless you were called on to answer a question. You kept throwing rocks into the lake and everyone once in a while you would sign and try to breathe. You needed to clam down you temper was going to get the better of you if you didn't clam down now. 

"_______, breath and clam your self." You told your self again and again.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing here all by her self?"asked a smooth voice.

You turned around to be face to face with one of the Weasley twins to be more accurate Fred. You face was flushed a bright red and you palms began to sweat. He called you pretty the crush of your life called you pretty. 

"Why do you care?" you asked back.

"Whoa what got in your pants today?" he questioned.

"It's not exactly what more likes of whom?" you said without thinking what you were saying. 

"What jerk would do that a pretty girl like you?" he asked more serious now.

"The guy by the name of Jason Mafloy." You replied.

"Oh that asshole don't mind him he does that to every girl." Explained Fred. 

"Thanks." You responded.

"Come on lets go inside it's getting cold here." He offered.

You nodded and walked into the castle with him where you were greeted by his twin. I told him I was a twin also and he started to laugh. Ever since that day you and Fred have been the best of buddies even with George. It seems as every boy in the whole school knows about you. Your sister had been telling everyone how you're the same and how good you are. But the truth was you haven't even done it yet. It was starting to piss you off. 

Once again you sprinted to the Lake again and started to throws into it harder than before. You were furious this time it's like you hadn't been mad in ages and you were going to release it today. As you stared at the lake Fred flashed through your head.

"______, do you always come here?" asked Fred.

"Shut up!" you screamed.

Something grabbed you from behind and pulled you into a hug. You were so shocked you couldn't move and your heart beat increase.

"______, I'm sorry about your sister I know you not like that, George and all of your friends no we believe you." Comforted Fred.

"Thanks." You thanked. 

You turned around to have your face only mere inches from his face and his arms wrapped around you waist. Your arms were snaked around his neck and you two were silent. You smile and he smirked. He leaned in and bushed his lips against yours and you blushed. He pressed his lips to your and you got lost in the kiss completely. 

When you two broke apart you but where blushing madly.

"____, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully.

"Fred I would love to be your girlfriend." You responded.

You two kissed one last time and went inside holding hands and got glares from a lot of people. 

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