One Meeting Is Better Than None

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"Look at her she's so damn strange I am not in any hell's way going to marry her!" yelled a boy with blond hair and aquamarine blue eyes.

"Yes, you will Ryou!" said the brown hair man with shining brown eyes. 

The boy known glared at the man with intense rage and shot the girl with dark black hair a murderous look. She hid her face in shame and much regret. Why had she come here in the first place? Yes, she was chosen to be arranged marriage with Ryou Shirogane but she didnt understand the meaning of marriage fully. She stood there starring at the ground hoping everything had been a dream she wouldn't be an orphan and she still had her parents.

She wound not be here she would be in her small home, snuggled with her parents on the comfortable couch and they would be reading nooks. Her true passion books the details that marked ever inch of her life explaining every little occurrence. Unlike life books had ends they had solutions but real life didn't have that. In fact it had no answers to anything, nothing went according to a plan, everything went unplanned. 

"I will not marry her and that is final I do not approve of this." stated Ryou angrily. 

"I Keiichiro Akasaka, as a family keeper is fulfilling your parents wishes. You parents arranged with this with her parents before they died." explained Akasaka, calmly. 

Ryou growled in anger, running out of the caf without a single word and raced down to the docks to relax. He needed to relax this was to much why did he bring up his parents? He made him self a promise never to fall in love anyone or be with anyone ever. The reason being what happen that night at the mansion, those eyes that haunted day and night. The sharp teeth that hissed at him in anger and the body of an mermaid curled tightly behind the back of its head. 

~At the Caf in the girls room~

Why does he hate me so much? Did I do something to offend him without knowing or its just that Im not pretty enough for him. Many questions raced through her head before she made up her mind completely she was going to leave forever. She wasnt going to return she was going to disappear from this world. Out of his life so he would never have to see her again. 

She threw her clothing into a small bag, taking some on her most prized books and a small silver necklace with a single diamond in the middle. Ryou had given it to her when they were much younger he probably doesnt even remember it now. She said her far well to the room and the house one time before vanishing into the cold night. 


~Ryou POV~

I came home exhausted, still angry from before but then it hit me I acted like a total jerk to her. I had been cold hearted to her when she only tried to earn my trust and approval. A pang of guilt hit me as I walked towards her room slowly. My heart pounding deeper into my chest as I approached the door. I gave a gentle knock, no answer I tried again, no answer did she try to kill her self. No she wouldn't try that no matter how mean I was would she?

My eyes widen in shock and I flung open the door to find an empty room everything on her favorite shelf gone. She's gone she ran away I have to find her. I ran out of the room knocking harshly against Akasaka's door. I waited patiently as a sleepy man opened the door in shock to see me. 

"Tenshi is gone." I said bitterly. 

"No she was in her room a while ago. What exactly do you mean by gone?" he questioned curiously. 

"She ran away she's gone! She's not in her room or anyways in this whole damn place." I stated calmly. 


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