Can you love a monster like me?

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[On wish in your dreams, in your heart and on wish on your mind. A chance to feel love what was love? A question you wondered about everyday of your life. You sat on the swinging back and forth on the old rusted chains. The creaked as you swung back and forth you listened to the annoying sound. When you heard someone scream,

"No stay away from us you monster!"

You stayed silent you had been called a monster for far to long to care at this moment. You had your little teddy bear tied to your back and watched the kids run away from a little boy. He had bloody red hair, aquamarine eyes and dark black shadow of lining around his eyes. You starred at him from afar wishing you could talk to him but maybe he would run away from you. 

You took your chance dragging your feet up and walked over to the boy in the sand box crying. You sat down next to him carefully eyeing each of his moment he looked up at you with watery eyes and you said,


"Hi." he replied shyly.

You two starred at each for a moment wondering why the other was still standing next to you. The thing was you two were more alike than you could ever image. You two were like a puzzle pieces that fit perfect together. 

"I'm, [your name]" you introduced your self.

"I'm Gaara." he answered back still shy as before. 

You didn't know there was something that attracted you to him you just couldn't pin point that factor. His name, you had heard it before but where had you heard it?] As your began to space you, something hit your body harshly.

You looked up from your current position and looked at the love sign on Gaara's forehead and smiled. He gave you a hateful glare, curling his hand into a fist casing the sand to wrap tighter around you fragile body. Still the smile on your face didn't fade it stay strong as before. 

What happen?

["Will you be my friend?" asked the boy quietly. 

"Of course Ill be your friend." you replied.]

Bits and pieces of your childhood memory flashed through your head at your final hour. Gaara had changed so much since you guys had become friends he had become more hateful, you were not allowed to see him that much and mostly he had become more blood thirsty. All that didn't matter to you for some reason all you cared about was having him as your friend. 

"You lied about everything." he said, bitterly keeping a tight grip on his sand.

"No Gaara you lied to your self."you replied, barely being able to breath.

The sand clutched more harshly around your body leaving your head visible but everything else was hidden. It was like cloak that hid you from the eyes of the world only he could see through it. Suddenly, you felt the sand lose it grips and dropped to the ground. You used the last of your energy to look up to the love sign on his face with a murderous glare in his eyes. All the pain that was locked up for eyes shining in his eyes and the hate of being a tool to the village showing. 

"Get out before I murder you." he stated simply not even glancing at you.

You smiled at his words he couldnt murder you even if he tried he cared to much but why was he making you leave why now? You struggled to make hand signs but managed in the end and began to fade into the moonlight. Just as your head vanished you said,

"I'll always be your friend forever, Gaara."

Your voice whispered to him before leaving him standing on the room alone in the cold dark night. He stood there starring at the spot you had just disappeared from.

As for you, you were lingering in the darkened night going round in circles trying to figure out where you had teleported your self to. Suddenly, you heard screaming you used some of the strengthen you had scream,


You heard foot steps coming in your direction the only thing you were hoping is it wasnt some perverted guy. You heard the foot step come to a halt and you looked from your current position to see a guy with a mask, white hair and was very well built. Next to him you saw a blonde hair boy, a pink hair guy and a raven hair boy.

"Who are you?" asked the white hair boy.

"_____, and who are you?" you questioned trying to save your energy.

Before you could hear them introduce them selves you blacked out it scared you when you were falling who were these people? You fell in to deep sleep. Now it had been days since you had woken up your body trying to heal it self everything would heal but your broken heart. 

Why had he pushed you away know what was your fault was it even your fault to begin with? During your current state you knew that you would make it through this but it would take a while. Finally after what seemed like years you had woken up, as your eyes fluttered open the first thing that came into view was a machine.

You glanced around the room to see all white you were guessing that you had been in the hospital. You moaned from the pain in your stomach and rolled over to face the window. The door flew open; you turned around so quickly an intense burning fire was created in your wounds. You starred at the door there stood the one person you thought you would never see again. 

Your face become white as snow you had looked pale like you hadn't eaten in days. 

"____" whispered the person.

"Gaara, what can I do for you?" you questioned, sweetly, ignoring the pain in your heart.

"I'm sorry." he apologized.

You starred at him in disbelief he had just done something you thought he wouldn't have done in ages. You looked at him, when you felt liquid fall from your eyes and sprinkle down your now red cheeks.

"Gaara," you whispered, trying to stand up. "You don't have to say sorry when you didn't do anything wrong."

You said the words bitterly as you tried to get up, you had meant every word you said but your heart ached when you saw him weak like that. You held your self up on your hands resting on the bed you forced your self to get up. You felt a pang of pain hit your body as you tried to stay up. You lost your balance and began to fall the ground but something warm caught you. 

You looked up to see Gaara holding you not his sand you eyes widen in shock. 

"Gaara." You said.

"______, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I love you." he stumbled trying to get his words out right. 

"I love you too, Gaara." You replied, holding you hand to his cheek.

He leaned downwards as you leaned a bit upwards his warm lips catch your and kissed you gently. You held him close to you trying hard to not fall out on him he was supporting your body as much as he could anyways. His tongue traced your lower lip and you opened you give him access. You two broke away for air and he said,

"I love you."

"I love you, too." You answered back.

He hugged you close to him trying not to damage your wounds and let you fall asleep into his arms. 

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